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País: |
United States
Título: |
Comprehensive Evaluation on Consumption Structure of Rural Residents with Principal Component Analysis in China
Autores: |
Guan, Lin
Li, Chun lan
Zhang, Bo
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Rural residents
Principal component analysis
Resumo: |
In order to make analysis on consumption structure of rural residents, the paper make a principle component analysis on consumption expenditure per capita of rural residents in different areas of 2009 based on statistics of China statistical yearbook of 2010. Selecting a principal component, the paper arranges 31 provinces in China in order. Shanghai lists the 1st place with highest marks; coastal provinces in southeastern part, the Northeast, Beijing and Tianjin are at the top; the northern and central parts with Hebei, Shanxi, Hubei as representatives scores minus which is a little lower than that of average; the western part, such as Guizhou, Xizang, Ganssu and so on are in far behind. The paper also makes analysis on the consumption structure of rural residents and proposes suggestions on how to accelerate consumption of rural residents.
Tipo: |
Journal Article
Idioma: |
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Relação: |
Asian Agricultural Research> Volume 03, Issue 03, March 2011
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