Registro completo |
Provedor de dados: |
País: |
United States
Título: |
Uso de defensivos agrícolas, limites máximos de resíduos e impacto no comércio internacional: estudo de caso
Use of agricultural pesticides, maximum residue limits and impact on international trade: a case study
Autores: |
Fermam, Ricardo Kropf Santos
Antunes, Adelaide Maria de Souza
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
International trade
International Relations/Trade
Resumo: |
Pesticides play an important role in agriculture, prevent loses by pests which destroy cultures and causes several damages to producers and to exporting countries of agriculture products. However, pesticides leave residues where they are used. A parameter used for residue quantification is known Maximum Residue Limit (MRL). This parameter is the most important, not only in terms of public health, but mainly international trade, causing many impacts that can represent, in some cases, barriers to trade between countries, especially when established values for a country differ from those established by international organizations. The present Article show how this parameter impacts agriculture products´ trade of developing countries, based on case study.
Tipo: |
Journal Article
Idioma: |
Identificador: |
ISSN 1679-1614
Relação: |
Revista de Economia e Agronegocio/Brazilian Review of Economics and Agribusiness>Volume 7, Number 2, 2009
Formato: |