Registro completo |
Provedor de dados: |
País: |
United States
Título: |
The Effects of Aquatic Invasive Species on Property Values: Evidence from a Quasi-Random Experiment
Autores: |
Horsch, Eric J.
Lewis, David J.
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Environmental Economics and Policy
Resumo: |
This study uses hedonic analysis to estimate the effects of a common aquatic invasive species – Eurasian Watermilfoil (milfoil) – on property values across an extensive system of over 170 lakes in the northern forest region of Wisconsin. Since milfoil is inadvertently spread by recreational boaters, and since boaters are more likely to visit attractive lakes, variables indicating the presence of milfoil are endogenous in a hedonic model. Using an identification strategy based on a spatial difference-in-differences specification, results indicate that lakes invaded with milfoil experienced an average 13% decrease in land values after invasion.
Tipo: |
Working or Discussion Paper
Idioma: |
Identificador: |
Relação: |
University of Wisconsin-Madison>Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics>Staff Papers
Staff Paper Series
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