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Provedor de dados:  Anais da ESALQ
País:  Brazil
Título:  Observações preliminares sôbre a longevidade dos "Seedlings" de feijoeiro - Phaseolus vulgaris : em função das reservas cotiledonares
Autores:  Accorsi,Walter R.
Santos,Clóvis F. O.
Ferraz,Eduardo C.
Barros,Myrthes A. Adâmoli de
Data:  1964-01-01
Ano:  1964
Resumo:  According previous studies about longevity in maize by ACCORSI e ADÂMOLI DE BARROS, (1961) the authors presents in this paper the results of work on longevity of seedlings of beans. Seeds were separated in three groups according their weight, as followings: small 80-120 mg; medium 130-140 mg and big 150-200 mg. The sowing of the seeds was made in pure sand and the seedlings were distributed in distil. water and in complete solution of Arnon and Hoagland. Each treatment was made in two replications with eight seedlings by treatment. At present time the following conclusions can be related: 1.°) - Eight days after germination, the cotiledones of all the seedlings started to fell down, fourteen days after, all cotiledones had fell down. 2.°) - Fifteen days after germination, the seedlings in nutritive solution showed better development than those in distil. water. Table I e II gives results. 3.°) - All seedlings in distil. water showed symptoms of N, Ca, Fe deficiencies. 4.°) - Twenty nine days after germination the seedlings in distil. water manifested exhaust trace, by falling of the leaves and death of some plants although the aplicai buds keep green. 5.°) - After thirty-one days the plants in nutritives solution was in better condition than those in distil. water, although some alteration aboved mentioned was observed. The causes of this alteration are being studied. 6.°) - In many plants in complet solution the seminal leaves showed clorosis initial and some with necrosis, although apical buds keeps in ativity. 7.°) - Symptoms of clorosis and necrosis in diferents stages were observed in all leaflet; these symptoms were more strong in the groups of little seed and medium seeds.
Tipo:  Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma:  Português
Editor:  Universidade de São Paulo

Escola Superior de Agricultura
Relação:  10.1590/S0071-12761964000100011
Formato:  text/html
Fonte:  Anais da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz v.21 1964
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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