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Provedor de dados:  5
País:  France
Título:  Science, partnership and decision support processes in fisheries: sharing experiences and practices and identifying Lessons learnt from an interdisciplinary perspective
Autores:  Macher, Claire
Bailly, Denis
Ballesteros, Marta
Bertignac, Michel
Collocas, Francesco
Fitzpatrick, Mike
Frangoudes, Katia
Garcia, Dorleta
Kraan, Marloes
Little, Rich
Mardle, Simon
Murillas, Arantza
Pawlowski, Lionel
Philippe, Manuelle
Prellezo, Raul
Sabatella, Evelina
Steins, Nathalie
Thebaud, Olivier
Ulrich, Clara
Data:  2018-02
Ano:  2018
Resumo:  Implementation of Ecosystem Based Management in fisheries has led to higher integration of knowledge in  advices  and  higher  engagement  of  stakeholders  in  the  decision  support  Process.  As  part  of  the process,  fisheries scientists contribute  in different ways and at different levels to decision support and experienced partnership approaches in the context of research projects or institutional decision support. Role of scientists in  the process is however  not trivial to define and operationalize. Several pitfalls can occur   that   scientists   may   have   experienced   through   partnership   projects   or   in   the   expert assessments done for authorities. A workshop  was organized from 15 to 17 January 2018  as part of  the ScipaDe  project of the  Cluster of Excellence  ('Labex') funded by the French 'Investment for the future' program and supported by the French Ministry of Research and Education. It brought together biologists, economists  and  social  and  political  scientists  involved  in  decision  support  processes  and  partnership approaches in fisheries  at European level  to share experiences and views  across case studies, disciplines and  projects.  Context,  content  and  lessons  learnt  from  concrete  experiences  of  bio-economic  impact assessment of fisheries management scenarios provided in different case studies were reviewed and the links  between  scientists-stakeholders-decision  makers  in  the  decision  support  process  in  fisheries  was explored  through  discussions  and  SWOT  analyses.  An  Australian  case  was  also  reported  to  put  into perspective  the  approaches  and  lessons  learnt  described  at  the  European  scale  with  respect  to  the institutionalized partnership platform for decision making used in Australian. This report provides information on the SciPaDe project, the participants to the workshop, the content of the  workshop  and  the  main  perspectives  and  tasks  identified.  The  workshop  underlined  the  need  to continue and better structure networks around interdisciplinary approaches,  to share our vision of the role of scientists  in  decision support process, our experiences, methods and recommendations  and  to disseminate lessons learnt from analysis of practices in integrated science decision support in fisheries.  
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês
Formato:  application/pdf
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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