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Provedor de dados:  5
País:  France
Título:  Physiological and behavioral responses of phytoplankton communities to nutrient availability in a disturbed Mediterranean coastal lagoon
Autores:  Leruste, A.
Pasqualini, V.
Garrido, M.
Malet, Nathalie
De Wit, R.
Bec, Beatrice
Data:  2019-04
Ano:  2019
Palavras-chave:  Growth rate
Dilution experiment
Functional traits
Resumo:  Short-term bioassays were conducted in Biguglia lagoon (Corsica) to study the physiological and behavioral responses of phytoplankton to N- and P-availability. Natural communities were collected in two stations representative of the two sub-basins, at three periods with contrasting environmental characteristics to address the impact of seasonal variability. These samples were separately enriched with a full N and P enrichment, and with enrichments minus N or minus P. Phytoplankton size structuration, diversity, and growth of the total phytoplankton, the micro-, nano- and ultraphytoplankton were evaluated using spectrofluorimetry, and optical microscopy. Results showed that the communities were fueled by NO3− in the wet periods (autumn and spring) and NH4+ in summer. The phytoplankton communities displayed highest cell size in autumn, with high abundances of nanoflagellates, and smallest cell size in summer with a large dominance of phycocyanin-rich picocyanobacteria. Blooms of dinoflagellates also occurred during the wet periods, coinciding with high N:P ratios. The full enrichment has not stimulated phytoplankton growth in autumn, suggesting the importance of other controlling factors such as light, a possible NH4+ inhibition or the use of mixotrophic abilities. In spring, communities have displayed single P-limitation in the northern basin and different N and P co-limitations in the southern basin. In summer, the full enrichment consistently stimulated the growth of all cell sizes. The communities showed high N and P co-limitations, which is consistent with growing observations in aquatic ecosystems, and reflects the different functional responses of phytoplankton communities to the nutrient availability.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Elsevier BV
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science (0272-7714) (Elsevier BV), 2019-04 , Vol. 219 , P. 176-188
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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