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Les modeles de DCP mis au point par la CPS: bilan et perspectives
Autores: |
Desurmont, A
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Artisanal fishing Attracting techniques Mathematical models Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: IS
South Pacific
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Since the early 1980's, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC, formerly the South Pacific Commission) has contributed to the development of FAD programmes for the artisanal fisheries sector in the Pacific region. In particular, it has put considerable efforts into developing technology that would assure a two-year average FAD lifespan, while maintaining costs under US$ 4,000 per FAD unit. From 1996 to 1998, this work led to the publication of three volumes of the SPC FAD Manual. Volume 2 of this manual, "Rigging Deep-Water FAD Moorings", describes in great detail two FAD models that were developed from the original 1983 SPC-recommended model, and gives precise instructions on the way to construct them. Despite SPC's work, the objectives set, in particular the two-year average lifespan for FADs, have not been consistently met, resulting in many FAD programmes in the region being suspended. An analysis of the reasons why this has occurred is presented, along with a short description of the practical research that could be pursued, using different objectives, to introduce new FAD programmes in the region.Original Abstract: Depuis le debut des annees quatre-vingt, le secretariat general de la communaute du Pacifique (SPC, anciennement commission du Pacifique Sud) a soutenu et accompagne le developpement de programmes DCP destines au secteur de la peche artisanale, dans la region Pacifique. Il s'est en particulier efforce de mettre au point des modeles de DCP repondant principalement aux deux criteres suivants: duree de vie superieure a deux ans et cout unitaire moyen inferieur a 4 000 dollars US. Entre 1996 et 1998, ces travaux ont abouti a la publication en trois volumes du manuel de la SPC sur les DCP. Le volume 2 de ce manuel, " La fabrication de DCP pour grandes profondeurs ", presente deux evolutions d'un modele concu en 1983 et en detaille tres precisement les methodes de fabrication. Le present document analyse les raisons pour lesquelles, malgre les efforts deployes, les objectifs fixes, et en particulier la duree de vie minimum de deux ans pour les DCP, n'ont pas ete pleinement atteints et la plupart des programmes DCP de la region ont ete interrompus. Il donne egalement une breve description des axes de recherche appliquee qui pourraient etre suivis, en se fixant d'autres objectifs, pour relancer des programmes DCP dans la region.
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Pêche thonière et dispositifs de concentration de poissons, Caribbean-Martinique, 15-19 Oct 1999
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