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Provedor de dados:  ArchiMer
País:  France
Título:  Control of the repeatability of high frequency multibeam echosounder backscatter by using natural reference areas
Autores:  Roche, Marc
Degrendele, Koen
Vrignaud, Christophe
Loyer, Sophie
Le Bas, Tim
Augustin, Jean-marie
Lurton, Xavier
Data:  2018-06
Ano:  2018
Palavras-chave:  Multibeam echosounder
Seafloor backscatter
Reference area
Resumo:  The increased use of backscatter measurements in time series for environmental monitoring necessitates the comparability of individual results. With the current lack of pre-calibrated multibeam echosounder systems for absolute backscatter measurement, a pragmatic solution is the use of natural reference areas for ensuring regular assessment of the backscatter measurement repeatability. This method mainly relies on the assumption of a sufficiently stable reference area regarding its backscatter signature. The aptitude of a natural area to provide a stable and uniform backscatter response must be carefully considered and demonstrated by a sufficiently long time-series of measurements. Furthermore, this approach requires a strict control of the acquisition and processing parameters. If all these conditions are met, stability check and relative calibration of a system are possible by comparison with the averaged backscatter values for the area. Based on a common multibeam echosounder and sampling campaign completed by available bathymetric and backscatter time series, the suitability as a backscatter reference area of three different candidates was evaluated. Two among them, Carré Renard and Kwinte, prove to be excellent choices, while the third one, Western Solent, lacks sufficient data over time, but remains a valuable candidate. The case studies and the available backscatter data on these areas prove the applicability of this method. The expansion of the number of commonly used reference areas and the growth of the number of multibeam echosounder controlled thereon could greatly contribute to the further development of quantitative applications based on multibeam echosounder backscatter measurements.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Springer
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Marine Geophysical Research (0025-3235) (Springer), 2018-06 , Vol. 39 , N. 1-2 , P. 89-104
Direitos:  The Author(s) 2018. This article is an open access publication


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