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Technologie et utilisation des DCP ancres dans les eaux de la collectivite territoriale de Mayotte (archipel des Comores, canal du Mozambique, ocean Indien)
Autores: |
Wendling, Bertrand
Le Calve, S
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Artisanal fishing Attracting techniques Lagoon fisheries Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: Comoro Is.
Mayotte ISW
Indian Ocean ISW
West Indian Ocean
Mozambique Channel
Resumo: |
The volcanic island of Mayotte (374 km super(2)) is part of the Comoros Archipelago, which is situated on the North of Mozambic's Canal (Indian Ocean). Mayotte is composed of two islands and some thirty small islands distributed in a lagoon of more than 1,000 km super(2). Being one of the French Republic's Territorial Collectivity, this island is characterized by a very fast demographic evolution (growth rate : 5.8 %), which constitutes the foundation of the development problematic. Most of local halieutic production comes from the reef (nearly 2,000 t in 1999), the technic of "palangrotte" (deep line) is still dominating. The fishing fleet is composed of monoxyl pirogues and polyester fishing boats for the 1,200 fishermen. The first FADs (Fish Aggregating Devices) were installed in 1989. Now, 5 FADs are situated in the lagoon whereas 10 others have been installed out of it. If it is very hard to evaluate economic impact of FAD in Mayotte, their success seems to be limited because of several local constraints : fear to fish out of the lagoon, little interest in tuna, lack of formation. Nevertheless, faced to the demographic evolution and the decrease of the reef ressources, a program of fishing development on FAD has been initiated in 1998, with those following themes : realization of a new prototype of FAD, experimental fishing program with vertical drift "long line", teaching programs for the local fishermen. Today, it is too early to analyze the informations already collected, but the results are very promising, and validate the technical improvement of the new prototype.Original Abstract: L'ile volcanique de Mayotte (374 km super(2)) fait partie de l'archipel des Comores situe au Nord du canal du Mozambique (ocean Indien). Mayotte comprend deux iles et une trentaine d'ilots repartis dans un lagon de plus de 1 000 km super(2). Collectivite territoriale de la Republique francaise, l'ile se caracterise par une evolution demographique tres rapide (taux de croissance: 5,8 %), qui constitue le socle de toutes les problematiques de developpement. L'essentiel de la production halieutique provient du milieu recifal (environ 2 000 t en 1999), la peche a la ligne de fond reste la technique dominante. La flottille de peche est constituee de pirogues monoxyles et de barques polyester pour une population de 1 200 pecheurs. Les premiers DCP mahorais furent installes en 1989. A ce jour, on denombre cinq DCP dans le lagon et dix hors lagon. Il semble que leur succes soit reste limite en raison de plusieurs contraintes locales : peur de la peche hors lagon, peu d'interet pour les poissons pelagiques, manque de formation. Neanmoins, face a l'explosion demographique et a l'appauvrissement des ressources lagonaires, un nouveau programme de developpement de la peche sur DCP a ete initie en 1998. Ce programme comporte trois axes : realisation d'un nouveau prototype de DCP, lancement d'un programme de peches experimentales a la palangre verticale derivante et formation des pecheurs. A ce jour, les informations obtenues sont trop parcellaires pour etre analysees mais les donnees et observations realisees sur les nouveaux dispositifs permettent de valider leur conception technique.
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Pêche thonière et dispositifs de concentration de poissons, Caribbean-Martinique, 15-19 Oct 1999
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