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The old, unique C1 chondrite Flensburg - Insight into the first processes of aqueous alteration, brecciation, and the diversity of water-bearing parent bodies and lithologies
Autores: |
Bischoff, Addi
Alexander, Conel M. O'D
Barrat, Jean-alix
Burkhardt, Christoph
Busemann, Henner
Degering, Detlev
Di Rocco, Tommaso
Fischer, Meike
Fockenberg, Thomas
Foustoukos, Dionysis, I
Gattacceca, Jerome
Godinho, Jose R. A.
Harries, Dennis
Heinlein, Dieter
Hellmann, Jan L.
Hertkorn, Norbert
Holm, Anja
Jull, A. J. Timothy
Kerraouch, Imene
King, Ashley J.
Kleine, Thorsten
Koll, Dominik
Lachner, Johannes
Ludwig, Thomas
Merchel, Silke
Mertens, Cornelia A. K.
Morino, Precillia
Neumann, Wladimir
Pack, Andreas
Patzek, Markus
Pavetich, Stefan
Reitze, Maximilian P.
Rufenacht, Miriam
Rugel, Georg
Schmidt, Charlotte
Schmitt-kopplin, Philippe
Schonbachler, Maria
Trieloff, Mario
Wallner, Anton
Wimmer, Karl
Woelfer, Elias
Data: |
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Palavras-chave: |
C1 chondrite
Carbonaceous chondrite
Aqueous alteration
Early solar system
Oldest carbonates in solar system
Unique chondrite
Ungrouped C chondrite
Resumo: |
On September 12, 2019 at 12:49:48 (UT) a bolide was observed by hundreds of eye-witnesses from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Denmark and the UK. One day later a small meteorite stone was found by accident in Flensburg. The presence of short-lived cosmogenic radionuclides with half-lives as short as 16 days proves the recent exposure of the found object to cosmic rays in space linking it clearly to the bolide event. An exceptionally short exposure time of similar to 5000 years was determined. The 24.5 g stone has a fresh black fusion crust, a low density of <2 g/cm(3), and a magnetic susceptibility of log chi = 4.35 (chi in 10(-9) m(3)/kg). The rock consists of relict chondrules and clusters of sulfide and magnetite grains set in a fine-grained matrix. The most abundant phases are phyllosilicates. Carbonates (similar to 3.9 vol.%) occur as calcites, dolomites, and a Na-rich phase. The relict chondrules (often surrounded by sulfide laths) are free of anhydrous silicates and contain abundant serpentine. Lithic clasts are also surrounded by similar sulfide laths partly intergrown with carbonates. Mn-53-Cr-53 ages of carbonates in Flensburg indicate that brecciation and contemporaneous formation of the pyrrhotite-carbonate intergrowths by hydrothermal activities occurred no later than 4564.6 +/- 1.0 Ma (using the angrite D'Orbigny as the Mn-Cr age anchor). This corresponds to 2.6 +/- 1.0 or 3.4 +/- 1.0 Ma after formation of CAIs, depending on the exact absolute age of CAIs. This is the oldest dated evidence for brecciation and carbonate formation, which likely occurred during parent body growth and incipient heating due to decay of Al-26. In the three oxygen isotope diagram, Flensburg plots at the O-16-rich end of the CM chondrite field and in the transition field to CV-CK-CR chondrites. The mass-dependent Te isotopic composition of Flensburg is slightly different from mean CM chondrites and is most similar to those of the ungrouped C2 chondrite Tagish Lake. On the other hand, Ti-50 and Cr-54 isotope anomalies indicate that Flensburg is similar to CM chondrites, as do the similar to 10 wt.% H2O of the bulk material. Yet, the bulk Zn, Cu, and Pb concentrations are about 30% lower than those of mean CM chondrites. The He, Ne, and Ar isotopes of Flensburg show no solar wind contribution; its trapped noble gas signature is similar to that of CMs with a slightly lower concentration of Ne-20(tr). Based on the bulk H, C, and N elemental abundances and isotopic compositions, Flensburg is unique among chondrites, because it has the lightest bulk H and N isotopic compositions of any type 1 or 2 chondrite investigated so far. Moreover, the number of soluble organic compounds in Flensburg is even lower than that of the brecciated CI chondrite Orgueil. The extraordinary significance of Flensburg is evident from the observation that it represents the oldest chondrite sample in which the contemporaneous episodes of aqueous alteration and brecciation have been preserved. The characterization of a large variety of carbonaceous chondrites with different alteration histories is important for interpreting returned samples from the OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa 2 missions. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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Editor: |
Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd
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Fonte: |
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta (0016-7037) (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd), 2021-01 , Vol. 293 , P. 142-186
Direitos: |
restricted use