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Título: |
Ensuring representative economic data: survey data-collection methods in France for implementing the Common Fisheries Policy
Autores: |
Van Iseghem, Sylvie
Quillerou, Emmanuelle
Brigaudeau, Cecile
Macher, Claire
Guyader, Olivier
Daures, Fabienne
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Data collection
Economic indicators
Fishery-dependent information
Panel data
Small vessels
Statistical precision
Resumo: |
Since 2001, Ifremer has implemented an economic data collection programme (EDCP) within the Data Collection Framework of the EU. It aims to obtain economic data from a sample of vessels representative of the entire French fishing fleet. This paper presents the strategies used for vessel sampling selection in the French EDCP and its implementation over several consecutive years. The approach is illustrated by the sampling plan for the fleet in the North Sea Channel Atlantic region. We show that the EDCP allows precise economic indicators such as gross revenue or fuel costs to be estimated for the whole fishing fleet, including small vessels (< 10 m), and consequently, it facilitates sound scientific advice regarding the Common Fisheries Policy. The apparent underestimation of landings by small vessels in official statistics is highlighted.
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Editor: |
Oxford Univ Press
Relação: |
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Fonte: |
Ices Journal Of Marine Science (1054-3139) (Oxford Univ Press), 2011-09 , Vol. 68 , N. 8 , P. 1792-1799
Direitos: |
2011 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Oxford Journals. All rights reserved.