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Provedor de dados:  5
País:  France
Título:  The Last Termination in the South Indian Ocean: A unique terrestrial record from Kerguelen Islands (49 ° S) situated within the Southern Hemisphere westerly belt
Autores:  Van Der Putten, Nathalie
Verbruggen, Cyriel
Bjorck, Svante
Michel, Elisabeth
Disnar, Jean-robert
Chapron, Emmanuel
Moine, Bertrand N.
De Beaulieu, Jacques-louis
Data:  2015-08
Ano:  2015
Palavras-chave:  Palaeoclimatology
Last Termination
Peat record
Kerguelen Islands
Southern Ocean
Indian Ocean
Oceanic Cold Reversal
Southern Hemisphere westerly belt
Resumo:  The awareness of the significance of the Southern Ocean in the Earth's climate system has become increasingly obvious. The deglacial atmospheric CO2 rise during warming periods in Antarctica has been attributed to CO2 ventilation from the deep ocean caused by enhanced upwelling around the Antarctic Divergence. It has been hypothesized that, more intense Southern Hemisphere westerly winds aligned with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current due to a southward shift of the wind belt from its Last Glacial Maximum equator-ward position, are the main drivers. Reconstructions of past changes in atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere are still scarce and the overall picture is patchy with sometimes contradictory results. For obvious reasons, most terrestrial records originate from southern South America and New Zealand. Here we present a terrestrial record from the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, from Kerguelen Islands located at 49 degrees S. A peat record is investigated using a multi-proxy approach (pollen and plant macrofossils, magnetic susceptibility, XRF analyses, biogenic silica content, Rock-Eval6 analysis and humification degree). Peat accumulation starts at about 16,000 cal yr BP with relatively warm and dry conditions. The most prominent change in our proxy data occurs at 13,600 cal yr BP, when peat ponds were established on the peat surface, resulting in lacustrine-type deposits, as a result of very high humidity, and with proxies implying very windy conditions. Within chronological uncertainties, this onset coincides with the onset of the so-called Oceanic Cold Reversal, based on the deuterium excess data in the EPICA Dome C ice core record. Kerguelen Islands are located in the moisture source area of Dome C and a change in atmospheric circulation at that time could explain both records. Around 12,900 cal yr BP, at the end of the Antarctic Cold Reversal, pond/lake sediments give way to more peaty deposits, with proxies suggesting slightly drier, less windy and probably warmer conditions. Kerguelen Islands became less influenced by the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds and these conditions were amplified during the early Holocene climate optimum as found in Antarctic ice core records.
Tipo:  Text
Idioma:  Inglês

Editor:  Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd
Formato:  application/pdf
Fonte:  Quaternary Science Reviews (0277-3791) (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd), 2015-08 , Vol. 122 , P. 142-157
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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