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Título: |
Plot size and number of repetitions in vetch
Autores: |
Cargnelutti Filho,Alberto
Alves,Bruna Mendonça
Follmann,Diego Nicolau
Bem,Cláudia Marques de
Schabarum,Denison Esequiel
Stefanelo,Lucas da Silva
Wartha,Cleiton Antonio
Kleinpaul,Jéssica Andiara
Chaves,Gabriela Görgen
Uliana,Daniela Barbieri
Pezzini,Rafael Vieira
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Vicia sativa L.
Uniformity trials
Experimental design
Cover crops
Experimental precision
Resumo: |
ABSTRACT The objectives of this work were to determine the optimum plot size and number of repetitions to evaluate the fresh matter weight of vetch (Vicia sativa L.) in sowing densities. Fortyeight uniformity trials of 6 m × 6 m were conducted. Sixteen trials were evaluated in each sowing density (40, 60, and 80 kg∙ha−1). Each trial was divided into 36 basic experimental units (BEU) of 1 m × 1 m, totaling 1,728 BEU. In each BEU, the fresh matter was weighed. The optimum plot size was determined by the method of maximum curvature of the coefficient of variation model. The means were compared among sowing densities by the Scott-Knott’s test. The number of repetitions — for experiments with completely randomized and randomized block designs, in scenarios of i treatments (i = 3, 4, …, 50) and d minimal differences between treatments means being detected as significant with 5% probability by Tukey’s test, expressed in percentage of the experiment average (d = 10%, 11%, …, 20%), was determined by iterative process until convergence. The optimum plot size to evaluate the fresh matter weight of vetch is 4.52 m2 at the 3 sowing densities. Four repetitions, to evaluate up to 50 treatments, in completely randomized and randomized block designs, are enough to identify as significant, at 5% probability by Tukey’s test, differences between treatment means of 29.15% of the experiment average.
Tipo: |
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Editor: |
Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
Relação: |
Formato: |
Fonte: |
Bragantia v.76 n.2 2017
Direitos: |