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Provedor de dados:  55
País:  Brazil
Título:  Antimicrobial susceptibility of Gram-negative bacteria in Brazilian hospitals: the MYSTIC Program Brazil 2003
Autores:  Kiffer,Carlos
Data:  2005-06-01
Ano:  2005
Palavras-chave:  Drug resistance
Microbial sensitivity tests
Infection control
Resumo:  Establish the susceptibility pattern of Gram-negative bacteria causing infections in ICU patients, MYSTIC Program Brazil 2003. Gram-negative bacteria (n = 1,550) causing nosocomial infections were collected at 20 Brazilian centers. The central laboratory confirmed the identification and performed the susceptibility tests by Etest methodology (AB Biodisk, Solna, Sweden) for meropenem, imipenem, ciprofloxacin, ceftazidime, cefepime, cefotaxime, piperacillin/tazobactam, gentamicin, and tobramycin. Interpretation criteria used were according to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Pseudomonas aeruginosa (30.3%) was the most frequent isolate, followed by E. coli (18.6%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (16.9%), Acitenobacter baumannii (8.8%), and Enterobacter cloacae (7.1%). Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=470) isolates presented susceptibility rates of 64% to meropenem, 63.8% to piperacillin/tazobactam, 63.4% to amikacin, 58.7% to imipenem. Acitenobacter baumannii presented susceptibility rates to meropenem of 97.1%, and 73% to tobramycin. E. coli and K. pneumoniae were highly susceptible to both carbapenems.Carbapenem resistance among the Enterobacteriaceae is still rare in the region. Acitenobacter baumannii and P. aeruginosa presented elevated resistance rates to all antimicrobials. Since they play an important role in nosocomial infections in this environment, the use of empirical combination therapy to treat these pathogens may be justified.
Tipo:  Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Idioma:  Inglês
Editor:  Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases
Relação:  10.1590/S1413-86702005000300004
Formato:  text/html
Fonte:  Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases v.9 n.3 2005
Direitos:  info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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