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Shoot-foliage relationships in deciduous, semideciduous, and evergreen cerrado tree species
Autores: |
Souza,João Paulo
Prado,Carlos Henrique B. A.
Albino,Ana Lúcia S.
Damascos,Maria A.
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Palavras-chave: |
Biomass allocation
Leaf area
Resumo: |
The morphology and the biomass allocation in shoots and leaves were investigated in 15 cerrado tree species with distinct leaf phenology growing under natural conditions. Higher values of leaf/shoot ratio on mass base, individual leaf area, leaf area per shoot, leaf display index, and leaf number per shoot length were found in deciduous than in evergreen species. The differences about shoot-foliage relationship across leaf phenological groups could be explained by plagiotropic shoots on deciduous and by erect shoots in semideciduous and evergreen species. Plagiotropic shoots allow similar irradiance along shoots and high biomass allocation in favor of leaves without foliage self-shading in deciduous tree species. The structural differentiation between short and long shoots was indicated by an exponential relationship between leaf display index and shoot length in all deciduous, in three semideciduous, and in two evergreen species. Therefore, especially in deciduous, the short shoots had higher leaf area per unit of length than the long shoots. The differentiation between short and long shoots depends on the shoot length in deciduous because of the leaf number on shoot is predetermined in buds. Contrastingly, the leaf neo-formation in semideciduous and in evergreen tree species keeps the shoot-leaf relationship per shoot length more constant, because of the foliage being produced according to the shoot growth during the year. In conclusion, the foliage persistence, the shoot inclination, the type of leaf production and the resources allocation between autotrophic and heterotrophic vegetative canopy parts are interdependent in cerrado tree species across different leaf phenological groups.
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Editor: |
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology
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Fonte: |
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology v.21 n.1 2009
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