Registro completo |
Provedor de dados: |
Ciência e Agrotecnologia
País: |
Título: |
Phosphite as phosphorus source to grain yield of common bean plants grown in soils under low or adequate phosphate availability
Autores: |
Ávila,Fabricio William
Silva,Douglas Ramos Guelfi
Bastos,Carla Elisa Alves
Oliveira,Nilma Portela
Soares,Danilo Araújo
Data: |
Ano: |
Palavras-chave: |
Phaseolus vulgaris
Tropical soil
Foliar fertilizer
Plant nutrition
Resumo: |
The effects of foliar and soil applied phosphite on grain yield in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in a weathered soil under low and adequate phosphate availability were evaluated. In the first experiment, treatments were composed of a 2 x 7 + 2 factorial scheme, with 2 soil P levels supplied as phosphate (40 e 200 mg P dm-3 soil), 7 soil P levels supplied as phosphite (0-100 mg P dm-3 soil), and 2 additional treatments (without P supply in soil, and all P supplied as phosphite). In the second experiment, treatments were composed of a 2 x 3 x 2 factorial scheme, with 2 soil phosphate levels (40 e 200 mg P dm-3 soil), combined with 3 nutrient sources applied via foliar sprays (potassium phosphite, potassium phosphate, and potassium chloride as a control), and 2 foliar application numbers (single and two application). Additional treatments showed that phosphite is not P source for common bean nutrition. Phosphite supply in soil increased the P content in shoot (at full physiological maturity stage) and grains, but at the same time considerably decreased grain yield, regardless of the soil phosphate availability. Foliar sprays of phosphite decreased grain yield in plants grown under low soil phosphate availability, but no effect was observed in plants grown under adequate soil phosphate availability. In general, foliar sprays of phosphate did not satisfactorily improve grain yield of the common bean plants grown under low soil phosphate availability.
Tipo: |
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Editor: |
Editora da Universidade Federal de Lavras
Relação: |
Formato: |
Fonte: |
Ciência e Agrotecnologia v.36 n.6 2012
Direitos: |