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Provedor de dados:  69
País:  Chile
Título:  The changes of organelle ultrastructure and Ca2+ homeostasis in maize mesophyll cells during the process of drought-induced leaf senescence
Autores:  Ma,Yuan-Yuan
Data:  2011-05-01
Ano:  2011
Palavras-chave:  Ca2+ homeostasis
Leaf senescence
Organelle ultrastructure
Signal transduction
Resumo:  The changes of cell ultra structure as well as Ca2+ homeostasis involved in the drought-induced maize leaf senescence was investigated. Meanwhile, many indicatives of leaf senescence including thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (MDA), electrolyte leakage (EL), and chlorophyll along with soluble proteins were also detected during the process. The Polyethylene glycol6000(PEG6000)-incubated detached leaves showed a slight increase in the MDA content and electrolyte leakage during the first 30 min of our detection, which was corresponded to an unobvious alteration of the cell ultrastructure. Other typical senescence parameters measured in whole leaf exhibited a moderate elevation as well. Thereafter, however, the EL and MDA rose to a large extent, which was correlated with a dramatic damage to the cell ultrastructure with concomitant sharp decrease in the chlorophyll and soluble proteins content. The deposits of calcium antimonite, being an indicator for Ca2+ localization, were observed in the vacuoles as well as intercellular spaces in the leaves grown under normal condition. Nevertheless, after PEG treatment, it was revealed a distinct increment of Ca2+ in the cytoplasm as well as chloroplasts and nuclei. Moreover, with long-lasting treatment of PEG to the detached leaves, the concentration of Ca2+ as described above showed a continuous increment which was consist with the remarked alteration of physiological parameters and severe damage to the ultrastructure of cells, all of which indicated the leaf senescence. Such drought-induced leaf senescence might result from a loss of the cell's capability to extrude Ca2+. All above findings give us a good insight into the important role of Ca2+ homeostasis in the process of leaf senescence accelerated by the drought stress.
Tipo:  Journal article
Idioma:  Inglês
Editor:  Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Formato:  text/html
Fonte:  Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.14 n.3 2011

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