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Provedor de dados:  International Journal of Morphology
País:  Chile
Título:  A Communicating Branch between the Dorsal and Superficial Ramus of the Ulnar Nerve (Kaplan's Anastomosis): Clinical and Surgery Discussion
Autores:  Torre,F
Fernandes,R. M. P
Babinski,M. A
Data:  2015-09-01
Ano:  2015
Palavras-chave:  Kaplan`s anastomosis
Ulnar nerve
Nerve lesion
Resumo:  The Kaplan´s anastomosis represents the communication between the dorsal and superficial branch of the ulnar nerve distal to ulnar canal. In the present study, a case about this nerve communication, found in a male adult cadaver, is reported. Information about brachial plexus distal anastomosis is fundamental for interpretation of clinical and electrophysiological findings, in order to establish the precise diagnosis of neurological lesions at this level. Its relations with flexor carpi ulnaris muscle's tendon and with pisiform bone exposes it to iatrogenic lesions during surgery.
Tipo:  Journal article
Idioma:  Inglês
Editor:  Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía
Formato:  text/html
Fonte:  International Journal of Morphology v.33 n.3 2015

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