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Provedor de dados:  International Journal of Morphology
País:  Chile
Título:  Applied Anatomy of the Maxillofacial and Mandibular Regions of the Indian One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) and Its Clinical Implications during Regional Anesthesia
Autores:  Choudhary,O. P
Kalita,P. C
Doley,P. J
Data:  2016-09-01
Ano:  2016
Palavras-chave:  Applied anatomy
Regional anesthesia
Resumo:  Since there is a lack of comprehensive data on the applied anatomy of the head region of Indian one-humped camel and its clinical value during regional anesthesia; therefore, this study was designed to provide information on clinically important parameters and landmarks of the head region. This study involved some osteometric parameters of the maxillas and mandibles of six adult Indian one-humped camels without any apparent skeletal disorders. Then, a total of twenty one head measurements and indices were recorded in the present study. The supraorbital foramen distance, infraorbital foramen distance, skull length, skull width, cranial length, nasal length and skull width of the Indian one-humped camels were 6.35±0.047 cm, 8.41±0.076 cm, 48.75±0.244 cm, 22.66±0.108 cm, 32.73±0.484 cm and 16.89±0.283 cm, respectively. The skull index was 46.51±0.29 cm in the present study. In addition, the distances from facial tuberosity to the infra-orbital canal and from the latter to the root of the first upper premolar tooth were 2.91±0.068 cm and 3.21±0.078 cm, respectively. The length and height of the mandible were 42.98±0.624 cm and 22.58±0.287 cm, respectively. Furthermore, the distances from the lateral alveolar root to mental foramen and from the mental foramen to the caudal mandibular margin were 9.22±0.059 cm and 32.12±0.165 cm, respectively. In the present study, the distances from mandibular foramen to the base of the mandible as well as from the caudal margin of mandible to below of the mandibular foramen were 8.84±0.085 cm and 6.32±0.048 cm, respectively. Also, the distances from the base of mandible to fossa condylaris and from the latter to the maximum height of the mandible were 18.38±0.15 cm and 4.175±0.046 cm, respectively. Finally, the distance from the caudal margin of mandible to mandibular foramen and from the latter to mandibular angle were 5.88±0.055 cm and 8.29±0.079 cm, respectively. The morphometric information provided in this study will be important for clinical maneuvers around the head of the Indian native camels particularly for the regional anesthesia during treating head injury and dental extraction.
Tipo:  Journal article
Idioma:  Inglês
Editor:  Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía
Formato:  text/html
Fonte:  International Journal of Morphology v.34 n.3 2016

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