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International Journal of Morphology
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Título: |
Comparison between Impact Factor, Eigenfactor Score, and SCImago Journal Rank Indicator in Anatomy and Morphology Journals
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Palavras-chave: |
Impact Factor
Anatomy and Morphology
Eigenfactor Score
SCImago Journal Rank indicator
Resumo: |
The Impact Factor (IF) is considered the best quality indicator for evaluation of scientific journals but has been criticized on many accounts, and its limitations have already been described extensively. New bibliometrics indicators, accepted by the scientific community, has been considered to evaluate quality ranking for journals using more complex algorithms and other databases. The aim of this study was to evaluated three indices of journal scientific impact: (IF), Eigenfactor Score (ES), and SCImago Journal Rank indicator (SJR), of mainstream Anatomy and Morphology journals in 2014. Specific anatomical and morphological journals were selected from Anatomy & Morphology category of Web of Science. The 2014 IFs and ESs were obtained from Journal Citation Report® and the SJR from the SCImago Journal and country rank website. We listed the journals and retrieved information by matching their international standard serial number. All journals were compared regarding their 2014 IF, ES and SJR and correlations between indices were evaluated using Pearson correlation. Twenty Anatomy and Morphology journals were identified, all indexed in both databases. The highest IF was 17 and lower 0.318. According to Eigenfactor score, the first place in the ranking was 0.01843 and the lower 0.00044, and to JRS the first position to 1.795 and the last position to 0.228. None of the journals had the same ranking to compare different indicators. Comparison between the IF and EF as well as the SJR yielded negative correlation (r= -0.012 and r= -0.037, respectively). All the analyzed journals have the highest standard of quality since they are indexed in the two most prestigious databases, WoS and Scopus. IF is the main index used by researchers for ranking the anatomy and morphology journals, but several shortcomings should be taken into account when they are using this index alone. SJR and ES can be more accurate quality indexes in certain conditions. It is recommended considering all these indices when judging the quality of the anatomy and morphology journals.
Tipo: |
Journal article
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Editor: |
Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía
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Fonte: |
International Journal of Morphology v.33 n.3 2015