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Physico-chemical evaluation of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oils BABT
Atti-Santos,Ana Cristina; Rossato,Marcelo; Pauletti,Gabriel Fernandes; Rota,Luciana Duarte; Rech,Juarez Ciro; Pansera,Marcia Regina; Agostini,Fabiana; Serafini,Luciana Atti; Moyna,Patrick.
Nineteen samples of Rosmarinus officinalis were extracted by steam distillation in a pilot plant and evaluated in terms of chemical compositions and physico-chemical characteristics. The volatile oil yields ranged from 0.37% (1999 harvest) to 0.49% (1998 harvest). Twenty components were identified in the oils. The major components were alpha-pinene (40.55 to 45.10%), 1,8-cineole (17.40 to 19.35%), camphene (4.73 to 6.06%) and verbenone (2.32 to 3.86%). The physico-chemical parameters averaged 0.8887 g/cm³ for specific gravity, 1.4689 for refractive index, and +11.82° for optical rotation, and there were no significant variations in either the chemical or physico-chemical data in the different years.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rosmarinus officinalis rosemary essential oil composition alpha-pinene 1; 8-cineole physico-chemical parameters.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Extraction of essential oils from lime (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) by hydrodistillation and supercritical carbon dioxide BABT
Atti-Santos,Ana Cristina; Rossato,Marcelo; Serafini,Luciana Atti; Cassel,Eduardo; Moyna,Patrick.
In this work lime essential oils were extracted by hydrodistillation and supercritical carbon dioxide. In the case of hydrodistillation, the parameters evaluated were extraction time and characteristics of the plant material. In supercritical extraction, the parameters evaluated were temperature, pressure, CO2 flow, extraction time and material characteristics. Considering citral content, the best results for hydrodistillation were obtained with a distillation time of 3 hours using whole peels. The best results for supercritical extraction were found using 60ºC, 90 bar, at a CO2 flow rate of 1 mL/ min for 30 minutes using milled peels. The best yields of lime oil were obtained by hydrodistillation (5.45% w/w) and supercritical extraction (7.93% w/w) for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Citrus latifolia; Lime; D-limonene; Supercritical carbon dioxide; Hydrodistillation.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Extraction of tannin by Acacia mearnsii with supercritical fluids BABT
Pansera,Marcia Regina; Iob,Gelson Antonio; Atti-Santos,Ana Cristina; Rossato,Marcelo; Atti-Serafini,Luciana; Cassel,Eduardo.
Studies were carried out on solvent and supercritical extraction to obtain natural tannins. The results showed that the best co-solvent to extract tannin with CO2 supercritical was water with a concentration of 5.0% and the best trap rinse solvent was methanol.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Co-solvents; Tannin; CO2 supercritical.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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