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The E3 ligase MuRF2 plays a key role in the functional capacity of skeletal muscle fibroblasts 56
Silvestre,J.G.; Baptista,I.L.; Silva,W.J.; Cruz,A.; Silva,M.T.; Miyabara,E.H.; Labeit,S.; Moriscot,A.S..
Fibroblasts are a highly heterogeneous population of cells, being found in a large number of different tissues. These cells produce the extracellular matrix, which is essential to preserve structural integrity of connective tissues. Fibroblasts are frequently engaged in migration and remodeling, exerting traction forces in the extracellular matrix, which is crucial for matrix deposition and wound healing. In addition, previous studies performed on primary myoblasts suggest that the E3 ligase MuRF2 might function as a cytoskeleton adaptor. Here, we hypothesized that MuRF2 also plays a functional role in skeletal muscle fibroblasts. We found that skeletal muscle fibroblasts express MuRF2 and its siRNA knock-down promoted decreased fibroblast migration, cell...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fibroblast; Skeletal muscle; Migration; MuRF2; E3 ligase; Wound healing.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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