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Di and tripeptides from marine sources can target adipogenic process and contribute to decrease adipocyte number and functions ArchiMer
Ben Henda, Yesmine; Laamari, Mariem; Lanneluc, Isabelle; Travers, Marie-agnes; Agogue, Helene; Arnaudin, Ingrid; Bridiau, Nicolas; Maugard, Thierry; Piot, Jean-marie; Sannier, Frederic; Bordenave-juchereau, Stephanie.
The effect of 11 marine-derived cryptides was investigated on proliferation, differentiation and maturation of human white pre-adipocytes (HWP). They were all formerly identified as potent Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme inhibitors.Val-Trp (VW),Val-Tyr (VY), Lys-Tyr (KY), Lys-Trp (KW), Ile-Tyr (IY), Ala-Pro (AP),Val-Ile-Tyr (VIY), Leu-Lys-Pro (LKP), Gly-Pro-Leu (GPL), Ala-Lys-Lys (AKK) and Val-Ala-Pro (VAP) were previously found in fish products and coproducts as well as other marine resources like wakame. Treatment with AP, VAP and AKK greatly affected viability of HWP during the proliferation period while KW and VW treatment reduced the number of viable cells during the differentiation stage. A GPL and IY incubation during the differentiation stage allowed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioactive peptides; Obesity; Human white pre-adipocytes'; Proliferation; Differentiation; Adipocyte differentiation markers.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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