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Ge/Si and Ge Isotope Fractionation During Glacial and Non-glacial Weathering: Field and Experimental Data From West Greenland ArchiMer
Baronas, J. Jotautas; Hammond, Douglas E.; Bennett, Mia M.; Rouxel, Olivier; Pitcher, Lincoln H.; Smith, Laurence C..
Glacial environments offer the opportunity to study the incipient stages of chemical weathering due to the high availability of finely ground sediments, low water temperatures, and typically short rock-water interaction times. In this study we focused on the geochemical behavior of germanium (Ge) in west Greenland, both during subglacial weathering by investigating glacier-fed streams, as well as during a batch reactor experiment by allowing water-sediment interaction for up to 2 years in the laboratory. Sampled in late August 2014, glacial stream Ge and Si concentrations were low, ranging between 12–55 pmol/L and 7–33 µmol/L, respectively (Ge/Si = 0.9–2.2 µmol/mol, similar to parent rock). As reported previously, the dissolved stable Ge isotope ratio...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Glacial weathering; Germanium; Isotope fractionation; Amorphous silica; Experimental dissolution.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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