Ayata, Sakina-dorothee; Irisson, Jean-olivier; Aubert, Anais; Berline, Leo; Dutay, Jean-claude; Mayot, Nicolas; Nieblas, Anne-elise; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Palmieri, Julien; Reygondeau, Gabriel; Rossi, Vincent; Guieu, Cecile. |
Regionalisation aims at delimiting provinces within which physical conditions, chemical properties, and biological communities are reasonably homogeneous. This article proposes a synthesis of the many recent regionalisations of the open-sea regions of the Mediterranean Sea. The nine studies considered here defined regions based on different, and sometimes complementary, criteria: dynamics of surface chlorophyll concentration, ocean currents, three-dimensional hydrological and biogeochemical properties, or the distribution of organisms. Although they identified different numbers and patterns of homogeneous regions, their compilation in the epipelagic zone identifies nine consensus frontiers, eleven consensus regions with relatively homogeneous conditions,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Mediterranean Sea; Regionalisation; Biogeochemistry; Circulation; Mesoscale features; Epipelagic ocean; Management; Spatial planning. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00405/51673/52221.pdf |
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Ferraris, M.; Berline, Leo; Lombard, F.; Guidi, L.; Elineau, A.; Mendoza-vera, J. M.; Lilley, M. K. S.; Taillandier, V.; Gorsky, G.. |
The scyphozoan Pelagia noctiluca reproduces by direct development without a benthic stage. Typically, this jellyfish is found offshore with a holoplanktonic lifecycle, vertical migration and feeding behaviours. Frequent outbreaks have been well documented on the Mediterranean shores since the 19th century; however, the offshore distribution of this species remains mostly unknown. In this study, we performed a bimonthly monitoring of P. noctiluca surface density, at high resolution, from a sailboat, along a 35-km coastal to offshore transect in the Ligurian Sea, between February and October 2011. During daylight, P. noctiluca was rarely seen. At night, offshore, P. noctiluca was always present, while within 5 km of the coast, P. noctiluca was rarely... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Jellyfish; Diel vertical migration; Mauve stinger; Blooms; Gelatinous zooplankton; Surface observations; Glider. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00192/30285/28761.pdf |
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Vandromme, Pierre; Stemmann, L.; Berline, Leo; Gasparini, S.; Mousseau, Laure; Prejger, F.; Passafiume, O.; Guarini, Jean-marc; Gorsky, G.. |
An integrated analysis of the pelagic ecosystems of the Ligurian Sea is performed combining time series (1995–2005) of several zooplankton groups (one group for copepods smaller than 0.724 mm3 and nine groups for individuals larger than 0.724 mm3, i.e. large copepods, decapod larvæ, other crustaceans, chaetognaths, appendicularians, pteropods, thaliaceans, gelatinous predators and other zooplankton), chlorophyll-a, nutrients, salinity, temperature, density, and local weather at Point B coastal station (Northern Ligurian Sea). From 1995 to 2000 winters were wet and mild resulting in lower winter sea surface density. These years showed lower than average nutrients and zooplankton concentrations while chlorophyll-a biomass was high. After 2000, winters were... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00070/18170/15729.pdf |
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