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Memory-impairing effects of local anesthetics in an elevated plus-maze test in mice BJMBR
Blatt,S.L.; Takahashi,R.N..
Post-training intracerebroventricular administration of procaine (20 µg/µl) and dimethocaine (10 or 20 µg/µl), local anesthetics of the ester class, prolonged the latency (s) in the retention test of male and female 3-month-old Swiss albino mice (25-35 g body weight; N = 140) in the elevated plus-maze (mean ± SEM for 10 male mice: control = 41.2 ± 8.1; procaine = 78.5 ± 10.3; 10 µg/µl dimethocaine = 58.7 ± 12.3; 20 µg/µl dimethocaine = 109.6 ± 5.73; for 10 female mice: control = 34.8 ± 5.8; procaine = 55.3 ± 13.4; 10 µg/µl dimethocaine = 59.9 ± 12.3 and 20 µg/µl dimethocaine = 61.3 ± 11.1). However, lidocaine (10 or 20 µg/µl), an amide class type of local anesthetic, failed to influence this parameter. Local anesthetics at the dose range used did not...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lidocaine; Procaine; Dimethocaine; Elevated plus-maze; Memory; Dopamine.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Experimental anxiety and the reinforcing effects of ethanol in rats BJMBR
Blatt,S.L.; Takahashi,R.N..
In order to examine the relationship between anxiety and reinforcing effects of alcohol, drug-naive male Wistar rats weighing 250-300 g were classified as "anxious" and "non-anxious" in the elevated plus-maze test. A conditioned place preference test was then used to investigate the reinforcing effects of ethanol (EtOH) on these animals. On 2 alternate days, groups of "anxious", "non-anxious" and "normal" rats received intraperitoneal (ip) injections of EtOH (0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 g/kg) immediately before a 15-min confinement to the white compartment. On the 2 intervening days the same rats received ip injections of saline before confinement to the opposite compartment. On day 5, a 15-min free-choice test was carried out with no injections. Rats classified as...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anxiety; Plus-maze; Place preference; Ethanol; Wistar rats.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Protein-energy malnutrition halts hemopoietic progenitor cells in the G0/G1 cell cycle stage, thereby altering cell production rates BJMBR
Borelli,P.; Barros,F.E.V.; Nakajima,K.; Blatt,S.L.; Beutler,B.; Pereira,J.; Tsujita,M.; Favero,G.M.; Fock,R.A..
Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is a syndrome that often results in immunodeficiency coupled with pancytopenia. Hemopoietic tissue requires a high nutrient supply and the proliferation, differentiation and maturation of cells occur in a constant and balanced manner, sensitive to the demands of specific cell lineages and dependent on the stem cell population. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of PEM on some aspects of hemopoiesis, analyzing the cell cycle of bone marrow cells and the percentage of progenitor cells in the bone marrow. Two-month-old male Swiss mice (N = 7-9 per group) were submitted to PEM with a low-protein diet (4%) or were fed a control diet (20% protein) ad libitum. When the experimental group had lost about 20% of their...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Malnutrition; Hemopoiesis; Cell cycle; Low protein diet.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Impairment of the hematological response and interleukin-1β production in protein-energy malnourished mice after endotoxemia with lipopolysaccharide BJMBR
Fock,R.A.; Vinolo,M.A.R.; Blatt,S.L.; Borelli,P..
The objectives of this study were to determine if protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) could affect the hematologic response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the interleukin-1β (IL-1β) production, leukocyte migration, and blood leukocyte expression of CD11a/CD18. Two-month-old male Swiss mice were submitted to PEM (N = 30) with a low-protein diet (14 days) containing 4% protein, compared to 20% protein in the control group (N = 30). The total cellularity of blood, bone marrow, spleen, and bronchoalveolar lavage evaluated after the LPS stimulus indicated reduced number of total cells in all compartments studied and different kinetics of migration in malnourished animals. The in vitro migration assay showed reduced capacity of migration after the LPS stimulus in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Blood; Bone marrow; Spleen; Interleukin-1β; Lipopolysaccharide; Malnutrition.
Ano: 2012 URL:
Registros recuperados: 4
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