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Report of the Horse Mackerel, Mediterranean Horse Mackerel and Blue Jack Mackerel (Trachurus trachurus, T. mediterreaneus and T. picturatus) Otolith Exchange 2015 ArchiMer
Mahe, Kelig; Jurado, A; Garcia Guerreiro, A; Massaro, A; Dueñas, C; Lopez, E; Mullins, E; Lanteri, L; Ferreira, Mj; Elleboode, Romain; Mannini, A; Antolinez, A; Delfs, G; Casciaro, L; O'Cuaig, M; Torres, P; Dijkman, A; Bellamy, Elise; Eriksen, K; Carbonara, P.
The ICES Planning Group on Commercial Catch, Discards and Biological Sampling (PGCCDBS) identified the need of the Horse Mackerel, Mediterranean Horse Mackerel and Blue Jack Mackerel (Trachurus trachurus, T. mediterreaneus and T. picturatus) otolith exchange to take place in 2015. It was the forth exchange. The IFREMER institute and the COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca, Italy, coordinated this exchange. A total of 550 fish was sampled from the Atlantic Ocean (Eastern Channel, Celtic Sea, Bay of Biscay, Azores, Portuguese waters and Tenerife) and the Mediterranean Sea (Alboran Sea, South Adriatic Sea and Ligurian Sea). 19 readers from 8 countries (France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands and Norway) participated to this exchange. Among...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Report of the striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus) and red mullet (Mullus barbatus) Exchange 2016 ArchiMer
Mahe, Kelig; Anastasopoulou, A; Bekas, P; Carbonara, P; Casciaro, L; Charilaou, C; Elleboode, Romain; Gonzalez, N; Guijarro, B; Indennidate, A; Kousteni, V; Massaro, A; Mytilineou, Ch; Ordines, F; Palmisano, M; Panfili, M; Pesci, P.
In September 2015, the Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP) recommended an otolith exchange for Mullus surmuletus and Mullus barbatus in 2016 (Otolith Exchanges proposals for 2016/2017; ICES, 2015). Kélig Mahe (IFREMER, France) was decided to be the responsible to organise this otolith exchange. Two otolith exchanges (2008, 2011), and two age reading workshops (ICES, 2009; 2012), have been taken place until now (Mahé et al., 2012). A total of 13 readers from 5 countries (France, Spain, Italy, Cyprus and Greece) participated at the exchange of 2016. The otoliths of 465 individuals (345 M. barbatus & 120 M. surmuletus), sampled from 2011 to 2014 in the Mediterranean Sea (Central Adriatic Sea, Cyprus, Levantine Spain coasts, Balearic Islands)...
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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