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Diversity and distribution Patterns of the infralittoral green macroalgae from Potiguar basin, Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil 39
Cocentino,Adilma de Lourdes Montenegro; Fujii,Mutue Toyota; Reis,Thiago Nogueira de Vasconcelos; Guimarães-Barros,Nathalia Cristina; Rocha,Marcia de França; Neumann-Leitão,Sigrid.
Diversity and distribution pattern of the infralittoral green macroalgae at Potiguar basin, Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil were analyzed from material collected at depths varying from 2 to 100 m. Collections were carried out with two types of dredges during four campaigns: July 2002, May and November 2003 and May 2004 at 43 stations. Chlorophyta is represented by 54 species, five varieties and three forms. The most representative family is Caulerpaceae, and the most diverse genus is Caulerpa, with 11 species. The results showed that most taxa (89%) are rare, and 10% are present at low frequencies. The most frequent species was Caulerpaprolifera (Forssk.) J.V. Lamour. occurring at almost all coastal and inner shelf stations, recorded in all...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Distribution patterns; Green macroalgae; Infralittoral; Tropical region; Brazil.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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