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Linking local retention, self-recruitment, and persistence in marine metapopulations 5
Lett, Christophe; Tri Nguyen-huu,; Cuif, Marion; Saenz-agudelo, Pablo; Kaplan, David.
Three indices of larval retention have been used in the literature to assess the tendency for self-maintenance of local marine populations: local retention (LR), self-recruitment (SR), and relative local retention (RLR). Only one of these, LR, defined as the ratio of locally produced settlement to local egg production, has a clear relationship to self-persistence of individual sites. However, SR, the ratio of locally produced settlement to settlement of all origins at a site, is generally easier to measure experimentally. We use theoretical, simulation, and empirical approaches to bridge the gap between these different indices, and demonstrate that there is a proportional relationship between SR and LR for metapopulations close to a stable state and with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Connectivity; Larval dispersal; Lifetime egg production; Local retention; Marine reserve; Metapopulation; Network persistence; Population persistence; Self-persistence; Self-recruitment.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Wind-induced variability in larval retention in a coral reef system: a biophysical modelling study in the South-West Lagoon of New Caledonia 5
Cuif, Marion; Kaplan, David; Lefevre, Jerome; Faure, Vincent Martin; Caillaud, Matthieu; Verley, Philippe; Vigliola, Laurent; Lett, Christophe.
In the present work, a biophysical dispersal model is used to understand the role of the physical environment in determining reef fish larval dispersal patterns in the South-West Lagoon of New Caledonia. We focus on a reef fish species, the humbug damselfish Dascyllus aruanus, to investigate seasonal variability of simulated larval retention at the scale of a reef patch and at the scale of the lagoon, and to explore links between larval retention and wind variability. The model shows that retention exhibits considerable temporal variability and periodically reaches values much larger than anticipated. Non-zero larval settlement occurs over a large part of the lagoon. Nevertheless, settlement values decrease quickly away from the natal reef and mean...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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