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CAP-reform and the provision of non-commodity outputs in Brandenburg AgEcon
Happe, Kathrin; Damgaard, Martin; Osuch, Amanda; Sattler, Claudia; Zander, Peter; Uthes, Sandra; Schuler, Johannes; Piorr, Annette.
This paper presents an attempt to model the response of selected farms to decoupled direct payments and the associated impact on the provision of a defined set of non-commodity outputs (NCO’s) using a combined modelling approach consisting of the AgriPoliS and MODAM models. AgriPoliS focuses on the socio-economic dimension of multifunctionality at the individual farm and regional levels and explicitly models heterogeneous farms (in size, location and efficiency) within a competitive and dynamic environment. The linear-programming model MODAM allows a detailed representation of production processes and their impact on the environmental dimension of multifunctionality at the farm level. We simulate the impact of a uniform area payment and a fully decoupled...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Decoupling; Multifunctionality; Non-commodity outputs; Modelling; Simulation; Policy analysis; Ecological indicators; Agricultural and Food Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Numerical Estimation of Agricultural Supply Functions - A Micro Economic Approach based on Mathematical Programming AgEcon
Rasmussen, Svend; Damgaard, Martin.
This paper describes a cost function approach to modelling production and resource use at the level of the individual farm firm. The procedure for deriving the supply function using mathematical programming under fairly general condition of a convex input set is shown, and the model is demonstrated. It is suggested that the model is used as the basic building block in agricultural sector models, the advantage being that the technology is modelled as a production frontier providing better opportunities for modelling input and output substitution.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cost function; Linear programming; Economies of scale; Agricultural sector models; Production frontier; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The effect of competition between two spatially separated markets - An investigation of two interlinked Bak-Sneppen models AgEcon
Damgaard, Martin.
This paper investigates the effect of competition in a market consisting of interlinked economic agents. In particular, the effect of increased competition from the surrounding markets is demonstrated. The presented work is an extension of the Bak-Sneppen model (Bak and Sneppen 1993). Here are two Bak-Sneppen models interlinked such that if the lowest fitness value of one market exceeds the fitness values of the other market minus transportation cost, all cells lower than this band will receive a new random value. The model shows that interdependency between markets has a strong effect on the competitiveness of the least competitive market. The external competition is able to make the least competitive market perform better as well as worse than on its own.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bak-Sneppen model; Interdependency; Competition; Marketing.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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