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Gene expression patterns during the larval development of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by microarray analysis ArchiMer
Darias, Maria J.; Zambonino, Jose-luis; Hugot, K; Cahu, Chantal; Mazurais, David.
During the larval period, marine teleosts undergo very fast growth and dramatic changes in morphology, metabolism, and behavior to accomplish their metamorphosis into juvenile fish. Regulation of gene expression is widely thought to be a key mechanism underlying the management of the biological processes required for harmonious development over this phase of life. To provide an overall analysis of gene expression in the whole body during sea bass larval development, we monitored the expression of 6,626 distinct genes at 10 different points in time between 7 and 43 days post-hatching (dph) by using heterologous hybridization of a rainbow trout cDNA microarray. The differentially expressed genes (n = 485) could be grouped into two categories: genes that were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea bass; Gene expression; Microarray; Development; Fish larvae.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Cloning of endothelin-1 (ET-1) from European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and its gene expression analysis in larvae with retinoic acid-induced malformations ArchiMer
Geay, Florian; Darias, Maria J.; Santigosa, E.; Desbruyeres, Elisabeth; Quazuguel, Patrick; Zambonino, Jose-luis; Cahu, Chantal; Mazurais, David.
It is known in vertebrates that endothelin-1 (ET-1) plays a key role ill morphogenesis whose expression level greatly influences the development of craniofacial malformations. In the Present study, the complete cDNA fragment encoding a precursor of endothelin-1, the preproendothelin-1 (PPET1), was cloned by RACE-PCR from European sea bass. The cDNA encoded a 199 amino acid polypeptide that was composed of the "mature" and "big" ET-1. Relative ET-1 expression levels were investigated in European sea bass larvae fed microparticulate diets containing the standard amount (0.08 g retinol/kg diet: group N) or all excess of retinoic acid which induces skeletal malformations (0.5 g retinol/kg diet: group RA). Real-time reverse transcriptor polymerase chain...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: European sea bass; Retinoic acid; Morphogenesis; Gene expression; Endothelin 1.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Optimal levels of dietary vitamin A for reduced deformity incidence during development of European sea bass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax) depend on malformation type ArchiMer
Mazurais, David; Glynatsi, Nomiki; Darias, Maria J.; Christodoulopoulou, Stavroula; Cahu, Chantal; Zambonino, Jose-luis; Koumoundouros, Giorgos.
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of graded levels of dietary vitamin A on sea bass larval performances and to determine optimal retinol levels at different larval stages to avoid specific skeletal malformations. Retinol was incorporated into larval feeds at 0, 5,10,15, 25, 35 and 70 mg kg(-1) dry matter (giving rise to RET0, RET5, RET10, RET15, RET25, RET35, RET70 groups, respectively). Analysis of the several types of deformities affecting the skull, vertebral column or fins of the fish were observed depending on experimental groups. On one hand, the incidence of skull malformations affecting the maxillary and premaxillary bones. dentaries, operculum, branchiostegal rays and glossohyal was lower for the RET0 and RET5 groups. On the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hoxd 9; Vitamin A; Skeletal development; Sea bass larvae.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Dietary vitamin D-3 affects digestive system ontogenesis and ossification in European sea bass (Dicentrachus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758) ArchiMer
Darias, Maria J.; Mazurais, David; Koumoundouros, Giorgos; Glynatsi, Nomiki; Christodoulopoulou, Stavroula; Huelvan, Christine; Desbruyeres, Elisabeth; Le Gall, Marie-madeleine; Quazuguel, Patrick; Cahu, Chantal; Zambonino-infante, Jose L..
The influence of dietary vitamin D-3 (VD3) on survival, growth and morphogenesis during the larval development of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) was evaluated until 45 days post hatching. Diets contained 4% of the standard vitamin mix (VM) recommended by the National Research Council (NRC) and incorporated 0, 19.2, 38.4, or 140 IU of VD3 per gram of diet to give VD-0, VD-1, VD-2 and VD-3 dietary treatments, respectively. The present study revealed for the first time an impact of dietary VD3 on the sea bass digestive system ontogenesis that consequently conditioned the ossification process and morphogenesis. All dietary VD3 levels were in the "adequate range" based on larval survival. Nevertheless, growth, intestinal maturation and ossification at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Ossification; Malformations; Vitamin D; Digestive system; Gene expression.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Ontogeny of the digestive enzyme activity of the Amazonian pimelodid catfish Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (Castelnau, 1855) ArchiMer
Castro-ruiz, Diana; Mozanzadeh, Mansour Torfi; Fernández-méndez, Christian; Andree, Karl B.; García-dávila, Carmen; Cahu, Chantal; Gisbert, Enric; Darias, Maria J..
The aim of the study was to evaluate the functional ontogeny of the digestive system of Pseudoplatystoma punctifer through the analysis of the activity of the main intestinal (alkaline phosphatase, aminopeptidase N, maltase and leucine-alanine peptidase), pancreatic (trypsin, chymotrypsin, total alkaline proteases, bile-salt activated lipase and amylase) and gastric (pepsin) enzymes. Larvae were raised in triplicate in a recirculation system from 4 to 27 days post fertilization (dpf) at an initial density of 90 larvae L−1, 27.8 ± 0.7 °C and 0 L: 24D photoperiod. Larvae were fed from 4 to 17 dpf with Artemia nauplii and weaned onto an experimentally formulated feed (crude protein content ~ 45%; crude fat content ~ 10%; crude carbohydrate ~ 8%) within...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pseudoplatystoma punctifer; Ontogeny; Enzymatic activity; Digestive system; Brush border; Pancreatic enzymes; Gastric enzymes.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The Digestive Function of Pseudoplatystoma punctifer Early Juveniles Is Differentially Modulated by Dietary Protein, Lipid and Carbohydrate Content and Their Ratios ArchiMer
Castro-ruiz, Diana; Andree, Karl B.; Solovyev, Mikhail M.; Fernández-méndez, Christian; García-dávila, Carmen; Cahu, Chantal; Gisbert, Enric; Darias, Maria J..
Pseudoplatystoma punctifer is an Amazonian catfish highly appreciated for its high flesh quality, size, and commercial value. Its aquaculture is pursued to satisfy the demands of an increasing population in the region. However, knowledge of the nutritional needs during the early life stages is necessary for improving growth and reducing the incidence of cannibalism, factors that limit the success of its commercial farming. This study aimed at evaluating the influence of four diets containing different protein and lipid levels (30:15, 30:10, 45:15, or 45:10 in %) in the digestive physiology and performance of early juveniles. The results showed that the dietary protein:lipid as well as carbohydrate levels and ratios influenced differently the whole-body...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Neotropical fish; Aquaculture; Digestive enzymes; Gene expression; Nutrition; Juveniles; Histology; Development; Macronutrients; Diet.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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