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Productivity pathways: climate-adjusted production frontiers for the Australian broadacre cropping industry 31
Hughes, Neal; Lawson, Kenton; Davidson, Alistair; Jackson, Tom; Sheng, Yu.
This study introduces two advances to the aggregate productivity index methodology typically employed by ABARES. First, it accounts for the effects of climate variability on measured productivity by matching spatial climate data to individual farms in the ABARES farm surveys database. Second, a farm-level production frontier estimation technique is employed to facilitate the decomposition of productivity change into several key components, including technical change and technical efficiency change. The study makes use of farm-level data from the ABARES Australian agricultural and grazing industries survey database. An unbalanced panel dataset is constructed containing 13 430 observations (4255 farms) over the period 1977–78 to 2007–08. Spatial climate...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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