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Characterization of physical and chemical properties of spent foundry sands pertinent to beneficial use in manufactured soils NWISRL
Dayton, E.A.; Whitacre, S.D.; Dungan, R.S.; Basta, N.T..
Abstract As of 2007, of the 2,000 United States foundries, 93% produce ferrous or aluminum castings, generating 9.4 million tons of non-hazardous spent foundry sand (SFS) annually. Only 28% of the SFS is beneficially used. The U.S. EPA Resource Conservation Challenge identifies SFS as a priority material for beneficial use, with soil blending as a potential reuse option. The objectives of this work were to measure: (1) select chemical and physical properties important to soil quality and function and (2) total and soluble elemental content of 39 SFSs, in order to evaluate SFS suitability as a component in manufactured soils. Total elemental concentration of the SFS was lower than natural background soil levels for most elements analyzed, suggesting limited...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Soil.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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