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Trophic connectivity between offshore upwelling and the inshore food web of Banc d’Arguin (Mauritania): New insights from isotopic analysis ArchiMer
Carlier, Antoine; Chauvaud, Laurent; Van Der Geest, Matthijs; Le Loc'H, Francois; Le Duff, Michel; Vernet, Marc; Raffray, Jean; Diakhate, Djibril; Labrosse, Pierre; Wague, Abdoulaye; Le Goff, Clement; Gohin, Francis; Chapron, Bertrand; Clavier, Jacques.
Banc d’Arguin (BA), Mauritania, is a nationally protected shallow gulf > 10,000 km2 between the Sahara desert and the upwelling system off the Mauritanian coast. In the southeast, BA consists of a 500 km2 tidal flat, the most important wintering site for shorebirds using the East Atlantic Flyway. The Mauritanian upwelling-driven phytoplankton production supports the most productive fisheries worldwide, but little is known about its trophic role in the functioning of the inshore BA food web. Using stable isotopes as trophic tracers to distinguish between upwelling-driven phytoplankton, open ocean phytoplankton, and benthic primary producers, we assessed the spatial extent to which the inshore BA food web is fuelled by upwelling-driven phytoplankton...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Banc d'Arguin; West Africa; Food web structure; Remote sensing; Stable isotope; Upwelling.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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