Caffin, Mathieu; Moutin, Thierry; Foster, Rachel Ann; Bouruet-aubertot, Pascale; Doglioli, Andrea Michelangelo; Berthelot, Hugo; Guieu, Cecile; Grosso, Olivier; Helias-nunige, Sandra; Leblond, Nathalie; Gimenez, Audrey; Petrenko, Anne Alexandra; De Verneil, Alain; Bonnet, Sophie. |
We performed nitrogen (N) budgets in the photic layer of three contrasting stations representing different trophic conditions in the western tropical South Pacific (WTSP) Ocean during austral summer conditions (February–March 2015). Using a Lagrangian strategy, we sampled the same water mass for the entire duration of each long-duration (5 days) station, allowing us to consider only vertical exchanges for the budgets. We quantified all major vertical N fluxes both entering (N2 fixation, nitrate turbulent diffusion, atmospheric deposition) and leaving the photic layer (particulate N export). The three stations were characterized by a strong nitracline and contrasted deep chlorophyll maximum depths, which were lower in the oligotrophic Melanesian archipelago... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00439/55074/56503.pdf |
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Moutin, Thierry; Doglioli, Andrea Michelangelo; De Verneil, Alain; Bonnet, Sophie. |
The overall goal of OUTPACE (Oligotrophy to UlTra-oligotrophy PACific Experiment) was to obtain a successful representation of the interactions between planktonic organisms and the cycle of biogenic elements in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean across trophic and N2 fixation gradients. Within the context of climate change, it is necessary to better quantify the ability of the oligotrophic ocean to sequester carbon through biological processes. OUTPACE was organized around three main objectives, which were (1) to perform a zonal characterization of the biogeochemistry and biological diversity of the western tropical South Pacific during austral summer conditions, (2) to study the production and fate of organic matter (including carbon export) in... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00392/50324/51016.pdf |
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Berline, Léa; Doglioli, Andrea Michelangelo; Petrenko, Anne; Barrillon, Stéphanie; Espinasse, Boris; Le Moigne, Frederic A. C.; Simon-bot, François; Thyssen, Melilotus; Carlotti, François. |
In the upper layers of the Ionian Sea, young Mediterranean Atlantic Waters (MAW) flowing eastward from the Sicily channel meet old MAW. In May 2017, during the PEACETIME cruise, fluorescence and particle content sampled at high resolution revealed unexpected heterogeneity in the central Ionian. Surface salinity measurements, together with altimetry-derived and hull-mounted ADCP currents, describe a zonal pathway of AW entering the Ionian Sea, consistent with the so-called cyclonic mode in the North Ionian Gyre. The ION-Tr transect, located ~19–20° E–~36° N turned out to be at the crossroad of three water masses, mostly coming from the west, north and from an isolated anticyclonic eddy northeast of ION-Tr. Using Lagrangian numerical simulations, we suggest... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00677/78886/81182.pdf |
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