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Immune cellular response to HPV: current concepts 55
Gonçalves,Maria Alice Guimarães; Donadi,Eduardo Antonio.
Although cellular immunity is essential for the elimination of human papillomavirus (HPV), the mechanisms involved are still poorly understood. We summarize the main mechanisms involved in cellular immune response to infections caused by HPV. Immunotherapies for HPV-related cancers require the disruption of T-cell response control mechanisms, associated with the stimulation of the Th1 cytokine response.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Human papillomavirus (HPV); Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN); Uterine cervical cancer; Cellular immune response; Cytokines.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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HLA profile in patients with AIDS and tuberculosis 55
Figueiredo,José Fernando de Castro; Rodrigues,Maria de Lourdes Veronese; Deghaide,Neifi Hassam Saloum; Donadi,Eduardo Antonio.
Studies carried out in various populations have reported an association between some HLA specificities and susceptibility to tuberculosis. We investigated the class I and class II HLA profile in Brazilian patients of various ethnic backgrounds who had AIDS and tuberculosis. Twenty-two adult patients with AIDS and tuberculosis (Group I), 103 patients with AIDS without tuberculosis (Group II) and 423 healthy individuals not infected with HIV (Group III) were evaluated. Diagnosis of HIV infection was made by ELISA, confirmed by a gelatin particle agglutination test. Diagnosis of tuberculosis was made based on clinical/radiological presentation and direct bacilloscopy or clinical specimen cultures. Class I antigens were typed by microlymphotoxicity. Class II...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: AIDS; Tuberculosis; Host genetic factors; HLA.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Alterations in gene expression profiles correlated with cisplatin cytotoxicity in the glioma U343 cell line 74
Carminati,Patricia Oliveira; Mello,Stephano Spano; Fachin,Ana Lucia; Junta,Cristina Moraes; Sandrin-Garcia,Paula; Carlotti,Carlos Gilberto; Donadi,Eduardo Antonio; Passos,Geraldo Aleixo Silva; Sakamoto-Hojo,Elza Tiemi.
Gliomas are the most common tumors in the central nervous system, the average survival time of patients with glioblastoma multiforme being about 1 year from diagnosis, in spite of harsh therapy. Aiming to study the transcriptional profiles displayed by glioma cells undergoing cisplatin treatment, gene expression analysis was performed by the cDNA microarray method. Cell survival and apoptosis induction following treatment were also evaluated. Drug concentrations of 12.5 to 300 μM caused a pronounced reduction in cell survival rates five days after treatment, whereas concentrations higher than 25 μM were effective in reducing the survival rates to ~1%. However, the maximum apoptosis frequency was 20.4% for 25 μM cisplatin in cells analyzed at 72 h,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apoptosis; Cisplatin; Gene expression; Glioma.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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