Bayon, Germain; Schefuss, Enno; Dupont, Lydie; Borges, Alberto V.; Dennielou, Bernard; Lambert, Thibault; Mollenhauer, Gesine; Monin, Laurence; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Skonieczny, Charlotte; Andre, Luc. |
There is increasing evidence that abrupt vegetation shifts and large-scale erosive phases occurred in Central Africa during the third millennium before present. Debate exists as to whether these events were caused by climate change and/or intensifying human activities related to the Bantu expansion. In this study, we report on a multi-proxy investigation of a sediment core (KZR-23) recovered from the Congo submarine canyon. Our aim was to reconstruct climate, erosion and vegetation patterns in the Congo Basin for the last 10,000 yrs, with a particular emphasis on the late Holocene period. Samples of modern riverine suspended particulates were also analyzed to characterize sediment source geochemical signatures from across the Congo watershed. We find that... |
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Palavras-chave: Neodymium isotopes; Suspended particulates; Congo Basin; ENSO; Human land-use; Deforestation. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00463/57467/59747.pdf |
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Castaneda, Isla S.; Caley, Thibaut; Dupont, Lydie; Kim, Jung-hyun; Malaize, Bruno; Schouten, Stefan. |
In this study we investigate Pleistocene vegetation and climate change in southern East Africa by examining plant leaf waxes in a marine sediment core that receives terrestrial runoff from the Limpopo River. The plant leaf wax records are compared to a multi-proxy sea surface temperature (SST) record and pollen assemblage data from the same site. We find that Indian Ocean SST variability, driven by high-latitude obliquity, exerted a strong control on the vegetation of southern East Africa during the past 800,000 yr. Interglacial periods were characterized by relatively wetter and warmer conditions, increased contributions of C3 vegetation, and higher SST, whereas glacial periods were marked by cooler and arid conditions, increased contributions of C4... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Vegetation; Africa; N-alkane; Pollen; Subtropical Front; Mid-Brunhes. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00345/45601/45215.pdf |
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Caley, Thibaut; Extier, Thomas; Collins, James A.; Schefuss, Enno; Dupont, Lydie; Malaize, Bruno; Rossignol, Linda; Souron, Antoine; Mcclymont, Erin L.; Jimenez-espejo, Francisco J.; Garcia-comas, Carmen; Eynaud, Frederique; Martinez, Philippe; Roche, Didier M.; Jorry, Stephan; Charlier, Karine; Wary, Melanie; Gourves, Pierre-yves; Billy, Isabelle; Giraudeau, Jacques. |
The past two million years of eastern African climate variability is currently poorly constrained, despite interest in understanding its assumed role in early human evolution1,2,3,4. Rare palaeoclimate records from northeastern Africa suggest progressively drier conditions2,5 or a stable hydroclimate6. By contrast, records from Lake Malawi in tropical southeastern Africa reveal a trend of a progressively wetter climate over the past 1.3 million years7,8. The climatic forcings that controlled these past hydrological changes are also a matter of debate. Some studies suggest a dominant local insolation forcing on hydrological changes9,10,11, whereas others infer a potential influence of sea surface temperature changes in the Indian Ocean8,12,13. Here we show... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00449/56059/57581.pdf |
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