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Distributional Impact of U.S. Farm Commodity Programs: Accounting for Alternative Farm Household Typologies 31
Somwaru, Agapi; Whitaker, James B.; Vogel, Stephen J.; Morehart, Mitchell J.; Edmondson, William; Young, C. Edwin.
Agricultural households adjust to policy changes through market mechanisms by altering: their production mix, labor input, and on- and off-farm investments. Because of the significant heterogeneity among farms in the US agricultural sector, various types of farm households respond to the same policy change in significantly different ways. The parameters used to classify farm households into different typologies may also play a significant role in the interpretation of observed effects of policy changes. This paper, using a highly disaggregated U.S. Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, analyzes the distributional impacts of policy changes involving price-contingent government payments on alternative U.S. farm household typologies. We find that...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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