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The Stone Tidal Fish Weirs of the Molene Archipelago, Iroise Sea, Brittany, Western France: a long-term tradition with early megalithic origins ArchiMer
Gandois, Henri; Stephan, Pierre; Cuisnier, David; Hulot, Olivia; Ehrhold, Axel; Paul, Marine; Le Dantec, Nicolas; Franzetti, Marcaurelio.
This reports on a project that combined evidence gleaned from aerial photographs, place-names, interviews, topography, LIDAR data, and sonar bathymetry to locate stone tidal fish weirs in the Molene Archipelago. The results were verified by diver and pedestrian visual surveys. Models of Holocene sea-level change allowed a group of possibly Late Mesolithic-Early Neolithic weirs to be recognized, with a second group broadly dated to the later Neolithic-Early Bronze Age. The construction of these long megalithic structures is compared to the funerary monuments for which the Molene Archipelago is well known, in terms of technique, cost, and societal organization.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tidal weirs fish traps Mol<; Bold>; E<; /bold>; Ne Archipelago megalithic constructions sea-level change Mesolithic Neolithic.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Using acoustic and lidar acquisitions for mapping soft and hard bottom communities in the bay of Morlaix (North Brittany french coast) ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Bajjouk, Touria; Hamon, Dominique; Chevalier, Claire; Gorman, Daniel; Populus, Jacques.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
Registros recuperados: 42
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