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Approche bidimensionnelle des transports sédimentaires à partir des variations granulométriques des sédiments superficiels : Exemple de la partie occidentale de la baie du Mont Saint-Michel ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Auffret, Jean-paul.
Grain size trends in relation to net sediment transport pathways are examined, using sorne cornmonly-used grain size pararneters. The results of the model are compared with the net sediment transport pathways established on the basis of the bedfonn asymmetry. The 3 types of trends are calculated using an increasing characteristic distance and differents grids of seabed sediment samples. lt is shown that : (1) the characteristic distance defined by Gao et Collins (maximum spatial sampling interval) changes with these two factors to a maximal value; (2) in an heterogeneous sedimentary environment, the correlations between calculated vectors and observed transport pathways are better by using sand size distributions and (3) the residual pattern rises to sixty...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Dynamique de comblement d'un bassin sédimentaire soumis à un régime mégatidal : Exemple de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel.
This work has been performed in a DRET/CNRS convention and related to the problems of sedimentary dynamics in a bay dominated by tidal currents. It combines the descriptive study of the morphosedimentary units with the modeling of bedload processes. At the South channel Isles, the Mont-Saint-Michel bay is well known for his exceptional tidal range. It's open to the offshore with two broad master channels on both sides from the Chausey's archipelago. On the coarse sedimentary cover of pebbles and gravels, sediments dynamic series of some plurikilometres sandy ribbons. These sands are temporarily stocked in lonely bedforms and in coastal maritime banks, sandwaves field of Granville and tide delta. The coastal banks are connected in the littoral prism. They...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bedload transport; Hydrodynamic numerical model; Sediment color; Crepidule; Coastal banks; Sandwaves; Sand ribbons; Swells; Tidal currents; Sedimentary prism; Norman breton Gulf; Transport solide; Code numérique; Couleur des sédiments; Crépidule; Bancs côtiers; Dunes tidales; Rubans sableux; Houle; Courants de marée; Prisme sédimentaire; Golfe normand breton.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Modélisation des flux sédimentaires charriés dans la baie du Mont-Saint-Michel (Manche, France) ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Guillou, Sylvain; Auffret, J; Garlan, T; Nguyen, K.
A study of the sediment bedload in the Mont-Saint-Michel bay is presented here. It combines the use of a 2DH numerical model and a pattern of sediment bedload transport established on the analysis of the statements of sidescan imagery combined with a dense groundwork of sedimentary grab samples. Results show the role of tidal currents asymetry in the realistic bioclastic sand transfert from the subtidal environment to the coast and the divergence of sedimentary dynamic between the maritime bay to the West and the tidal delta to the East. This in-shore transfer is responsable of the Holocene prism construction. The model reproduces tidal sedimentary dynamics with the immediate surroundings of the Mont-Saint-Michel. It shows the interest of the modeling of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mont Saint Michel bay; Sediment; Sidescan; Bedload transport; Hydrodynamic model; Baie du Mont Saint Miche; Sédiment; Sonar latéral; Débit massique; Modèle hydrodynamique.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Approche sectorielle subtidale : Identification et caractérisation des habitats benthiques du secteur Glénan (Réseau de surveillance benthique - Région Bretagne) ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Blanchet, Aline; Hamon, Dominique.
Ifremer launched and coordinated the development of a strategy for the REBENT network (REseau BENThique) in 2000 to monitor the aftermath of the "Erika" oil spill in December 1999. Its aim is to provide consistent baseline knowledge about coastal benthic habitats and constitute a monitoring tool to detect changes at various scales over time and space. Sector-based seabed habitat mapping in shallow water (< 50 m deep), is currently being conducted throughout Brittany's coastal waters through a combination of geoacoustic marine systems and ground-truthing using biological grab sampling and seabed observations. Sedimentological and biological results on Glenan area emphasize a great diversity of subtidal habitats and marine species recognized. Sidescan...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haploops; Maerl; Bedforms; Bedload transport; Communities; Benthic macrofauna; Sidescan sonar; Habitats mapping; Glenan; Rebent; Haploops; Maërl; Figures sédimentaires; Dynamique sédimentaire; Peuplements; Macrofaune benthique; Sonar latéral; Cartographie d'habitats; Glénan; Rebent.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Réseau de surveillance benthique – Région Bretagne. Approche sectorielle subtidale : Identification et caractérisation des habitats benthiques du secteur Quiberon ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Hamon, Dominique; Chevalier, Claire; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Caisey, Xavier; Blanchet, Aline; Alix, Anne-sophie.
In 2000 Ifremer launched and coordinated the development of a monitoring strategy for the REBENT network (REseau BENThique) in order to assess the aftermath of the “Erika” oil spill which took place in December 1999. Its aim is to provide consistent baseline knowledge on coastal benthic habitats, as well as to develop a monitoring tool that detects changes at various spatial and temporal scales Sector-based seabed habitat mapping in shallow water (< 50 m deep), is currently being conducted throughout Brittany's coastal waters using a combination of geoacoustic marine systems together with ground-truthing using biological grab sampling and seabed observations. The study area in the bay of Quiberon is characterised by a large array of sedimentological...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rebent; Baie de Quiberon; Cartographie d’habitats; Sonar latéral; Macrofaune benthique; Peuplements; Dynamique sédimentaire; Figures sédimentaires; Rebent; Quiberon bay; Mapping; Sidescan sonar; Benthic macrofauna; Communities; Bedload transport; Bedforms.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Reconnaissance cartographique de bancs de maërl distribués sur le littoral breton ArchiMer
Hamon, Dominique; Ehrhold, Axel; Houlgatte, Eric; Kerdoncuff, Julien; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Caisey, Xavier; Alix, Anne-sophie; Oger-jeanneret, Helene.
Poster présenté aux Journées REBENT Brest les 13 et 14/10/2011 (2ème atelier de restitution Rebent Bretagne. Dans le cadre du programme de surveillance DCE, et en lien avec le projet REBENT, il a été entrepris en 2008-2009 de cartographier et de caractériser les principaux bancs de maërl distribués dans 9 masses d'eaux autour de la Bretagne, et faisant l'objet pour la plupart d'un suivi annuel de leur biodiversité, assuré par l'IUEM (LEMAR).
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Directive Cadre sur l'Eau - Région Bretagne : Reconnaissance cartographique de bancs de maërl distribués dans les masses d'eaux côtières de référence. Convention Ifremer-Agence de l'Eau Loire-Bretagne. Volume 1, Rapport de synthèse, Volume 2, Résultats analytiques ArchiMer
Hamon, Dominique; Ehrhold, Axel; Houlgatte, Eric.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Haliotis, nouvel outil pour l’étude des habitats benthiques dans les très petits fonds ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Cordier, Celine; Pluquet, Fabrice; Alix, Anne-sophie; Monpert, Coralie; Autret, Elodie; Hamon, Dominique.
Les besoins d'inventaires et de suivis des habitats benthiques côtiers, de même que la nécessité de mieux comprendre leur fonctionnement, conduisent depuis plusieurs années à mettre en place des actions à différentes échelles d'observation spatiales et temporelles sur l’ensemble des façades métropolitaines. L’application du Réseau Benthique au pilote breton en est une parfaite illustration. Le Rebent a ainsi soutenu dès 2001 le projet d’une embarcation spécialisée, destinée à relayer dans la frange littorale les moyens acoustiques mis en oeuvre sur les navires côtiers plus au large, et capable d’assurer une investigation des fonds sur de grandes superficies, avec un fort pouvoir de résolution. Ce projet de vedette porté par l’Ifremer a été rendu possible...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cartographie prédictive du champ de Laminaires du plateau Molénais sur la base des données physiques et biologiques. Recueil des données acoustiques, biologiques et sédimentaires nouvellement acquises depuis septembre 2010 ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Bajjouk, Touria; Populus, Jacques; Cordier, Celine; Gorman, Daniel; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Caisey, Xavier.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Du sonar au microscope : les fonds marins auscultés aux abords du cap de Flamanville ArchiMer
Hamon, Dominique; Ehrhold, Axel; Chevalier, Claire; Caisey, Xavier; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Alix, Anne-sophie.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Structuration sédimentaire et dynamique de l’ensemble des fonds de la baie de Morlaix (Manche). Évolution du secteur des pierres noires depuis 30 ans ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Autret, Elodie; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Caisey, Xavier.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Réseau de surveillance benthique (REBENT) – Région Bretagne. Approche sectorielle subtidale : Identification et caractérisation des habitats benthiques du secteur Morlaix ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Hamon, Dominique; Chevalier, Claire.
In 2000, Ifremer launched and coordinated the development of a monitoring strategy for the REBENT network (REseau BENThique) in order to assess the aftermath of the “Erika” oil spill which took place in December 1999. Its aim is to provide consistent baseline knowledge on coastal benthic habitats, as well as to develop a monitoring tool that detects changes at various spatial and temporal scales. Sector-based seabed habitat mapping in shallow water (< 50 m deep), is currently being conducted throughout Brittany's coastal waters using a combination of geoacoustic marine systems together with ground-truthing using biological grab sampling and seabed observations. Due to the overlap of soft and rocky bottoms, and contrasting hydrological conditions, the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rebent; Baie de Morlaix; Cartographie d’habitats; Sonar latéral; Macrofaune benthique; Peuplements; Dynamique sédimentaire; Figures sédimentaires; Rebent; Morlaix bay; Mapping; Sidescan sonar; Benthic macrofauna; Communities; Bedload transport; Bedforms.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Using acoustic and lidar acquisitions for mapping soft and hard bottom communities in the bay of Morlaix (North Brittany french coast) ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Bajjouk, Touria; Hamon, Dominique; Chevalier, Claire; Gorman, Daniel; Populus, Jacques.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon. Deuxième partie : le risque de prédation sur l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013 ArchiMer
Mazurie, Joseph; Stanisiere, Jean-yves; Bouget, Jean-francois; Langlade, Aime; Leclerc, Emilie; Quinsat, Kevin; Herve, Gilles; Augustin, Jean-marie; Ehrhold, Axel; Sinquin, Jean-marc; Meidi-deviarni, Ika; Goubert, Evelyne; Cochet, Helene; Dreano, Alain.
This study (“Risco”), implicating both industry, socio-economic experts and biologists, was funded by the Regional Council of Brittany, for 3 years (2010-2012), to investigate about the causes of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) mortalities in the bay of Quiberon (South Brittany, France). The protocol including both a sonar and video visualization of the bottom, and a monthly survey of 15 experimental oyster structures, allowed to assess the risk due to predation. A clear spatial distribution of the predatory effect was evidenced, with starfish (Asterias rubens and Marthasterias glacialis) predominating in the North-East sector, and boring snails (Ocenebra erinacea and Pterophora inornata) in the South-Center area.. The main mortalities from these predators...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baie de Quiberon; Huître; Crassostrea gigas; Risque; Mortalité; Prédation; Étoiles de mer; Bigorneaux perceurs; Risco; Bay of Quiberon; Oyster; Crassostrea gigas; Risk; Mortality; Predation; Starfish; Oyster drills; Risco.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Réseau de surveillance benthique – Région Bretagne. Approche sectorielle subtidale : Identification et caractérisation des habitats benthiques du secteur Trégor-Goëlo ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Chevalier, Claire; Alix, Anne-sophie; Autret, Elodie; Caisey, Xavier; Drussel, Benjamin; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Hamon, Dominique; Houlgatte, Eric; Pluquet, Fabrice; Biscara, Laurie; Choisnet, Justine; Bajjouk, Touria.
In 2000 Ifremer launched and coordinated the development of a monitoring strategy for the REBENT network (REseau BENThique) in order to assess the aftermath of the “Erika” oil spill which took place in December 1999. Its aim is to provide consistent baseline knowledge on coastal benthic habitats, as well as to develop a monitoring tool that detects changes at various spatial and temporal scales. Sector-based seabed habitat mapping in shallow water (< 50 m deep), is currently being conducted throughout Brittany's coastal waters using a combination of geoacoustic marine systems together with ground-truthing using biological grab sampling and seabed observations. Due to the extended area, the overlap of soft and rocky bottoms, and contrasting hydrological...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rebent; Trégor-Goëlo; Bréhat; Cartographie d’habitats; Sonar latéral; Macrofaune benthique; Peuplements; Crépidule; Maërl; Sédiments; Morphologie; Dynamique sédimentaire; Rebent; Trégor-Goëlo; Bréhat archipelago; Marine habitat mapping; Sidescan sonar; Benthic macrofauna; Communities; Crepidula bed; Maerl; Sediment; Morphology; Bedload transpor.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon. Troisième partie : le risque d’hypoxie pour l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013 ArchiMer
Stanisiere, Jean-yves; Mazurie, Joseph; Bouget, Jean-francois; Langlade, Aime; Gabellec, Raoul; Retho, Michael; Quinsat, Kevin; Leclerc, Emilie; Cugier, Philippe; Dussauze, Morgan; Menesguen, Alain; Dumas, Franck; Gohin, Francis; Augustin, Jean-marie; Ehrhold, Axel; Sinquin, Jean-marc; Goubert, Evelyne; Dreano, Alain.
The project “Risco”, supported by the “Pôle Mer” and funded by the Regional Council of Brittany, deals with specific risks of mortality of oysters, Crassostrea gigas, cultivated on the bottom, in a subtidal bay of South Brittany : the bay of Quiberon (56, France). Massive mortalities of oysters were reported in summer 2006 in this bay, exclusively located in the deep muddy area with a positive gradient eastward. A validated biogeochemical model was applied in order to simulate the dissolved oxygen over 2000-2006 : it revealed several episodes of hypoxia, more or less intense according to years, but with the same spatial distribution. This approach proved 2006 to be the most hypoxic year since 2000. The hypoxia was due to a rare conjunction of 3 factors :...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baie Quiberon; Crassostrea gigas; Huître; Mortalité; Croissance; Hypoxie; Oxygène; Modèle; Upwelling; Loire; Vilaine; Quiberon; Crassostrea gigas; Oyster; Mortality; Growth; Hypoxia; Oxygen; Model; DEB; Upwelling; Loire; Vilaine.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Etude d’un champ de pockmarks associé à un peuplement de Haploops dans la Baie de Concarneau : apport de la prospection géophysique THR ArchiMer
Baltzer, Agnes; Ehrhold, Axel; Rigolet, Carinne; Dubois, Stanislas; Cordier, Celine.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Forêts de laminaires à Molène : approches multi-échelles des fonds rocheux de l’archipel ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Bajjouk, Touria; Cordier, Celine; Le Nilliot, Philippe; Hamdi, Anouar; Drussel, Benjamin; Guerin, Charline; Le Gall, Bernard; Populus, Jacques.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat; Laminaires; Systèmes acoustiques; Lidar; Géomorphologie; MNT.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Cartographie prédictive du champ de laminaires du plateau Molène sur la base des données physiques et biologiques ArchiMer
Bajjouk, Touria; Rochette, Sebastien; Ehrhold, Axel; Cordier, Celine; Laurans, Martial; Tourolle, Julie; Hamdi, Anouar; Tourolle, Julie; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Caisey, Xavier; Vasquez, Mickael; Populus, Jacques.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Approche multi-échelles de la cartographie des habitats benthiques des substrats meubles subtidaux : application à la frange côtière de Bretagne nord ArchiMer
Chevalier, Claire; Dutertre, Mickael; Hamon, Dominique; Ehrhold, Axel; Gentil, Franck; Thiebaut, Eric; Bajjouk, Touria.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
Registros recuperados: 42
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