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Können Produktionsentscheidungen als Investitionsentscheidungen modelliert werden? AgEcon
Mann, Stefan; Mack, Gabriele; Ferjani, Ali.
Interviews with Swiss farmers lead to the hypotheses that production decisions, also in crop growing, are not made annually, but similarly to investment decisions in the long run. This hypothesis is backed by non-parametric time-series analysis for Switzerland and Germany. This creates a theoretical basis for combining Positive Mathematical Programming with flexibility constraints in optimization models. Results of the forecasting model SILAS show that forecasting quality is improved through this approach.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Flexibility constraints; Production decisions; Optimization models; Forecasting quality; Farm Management.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Imperfect Competition, Economies of Scale and Trade Liberalisation in Tunisia - A Comparative Analysis Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGEM) AgEcon
Ferjani, Ali.
Within a multi-sectoral general equilibrium framework, we explicitly model either competitive or Cournot oligopolistic commodities market structures. The model is used to assess the impact of trade liberalization on Tunisia economy. We show that the results are different from those obtained with perfect competition in terms of sectors allocations, but also mainly in terms of welfare. It is found that the trade liberalization improves welfare in all cases, and these gains are the most important with oligopoly. The existence of imperfection competition will be beneficial if the local producers profit from trade liberalization to decrease their production prices and to increase their production level. The outcome shows that the traditionally export-oriented...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Does Switzerland Have a Productivity Problem? AgEcon
Ferjani, Ali.
This paper focuses on the evolution of productivity in the agricultural sector of 21 developped countries over the period of 1990-2002. It uses Data Envelopment Analysis, a non-parametric approach that allows decompositions of changes in productivity into variations in efficiency and technical change. The results show that productivity improvements (0,6 % per year) were principally due to technological progress (0,4 % per years). However, this performance was not uniform in all the countries.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mack, Gabriele; Ferjani, Ali; Kranzlein, Tim; Mann, Stefan.
Replaced with revised version of paper 12/05/07.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Energie-Input; Einkommensmaximierung; Mehrzieloptimierung; Effizienz; Energy use; Income maximisation; Multi-objective programming; Efficiency; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Agricultural policy (AP2011) Reform and the WTO: Potential Impacts on Swiss Agriculture AgEcon
Ferjani, Ali.
This article analyses the impact of the planned Swiss package of agricultural policy measures AP2011 and the tariff reductions scheduled as part of the WTO Doha Round, with special emphasis on effects in the dairy and meat sector. The simulations are carried out using an extended partial equilibrium model. This article discusses the anticipated impact of changing structural conditions on production, processing, consumption, prices and exports in the milk market. If account is taken of the Bilateral Agreements between Switzerland and the EU providing for liberalisation of the common cheese market, raw milk production increases by 10.5 %, whereas the milk price shows a significant drop to around 60 centimes per kilogram of milk. The abolition of subsidies...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Partial equilibrium model; Simulation; AP2011; WTO; Dairy industry; Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Multidisziplinäre Agentendefinitionen für Optimierungsmodelle AgEcon
Mohring, Anke; Zimmermann, Albert; Mack, Gabriele; Mann, Stefan; Ferjani, Ali; Gennaio, Maria-Pia.
Mit der Entwicklung von Multiagentenmodellen für die Landwirtschaft konnten betriebliche Entscheidungsverhalten und Interaktionen in die Simulation von kleineren Agrarregionen einbezogen werden. Wichtige methodische Impulse dazu kamen insbesondere von Wissen-schaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus Deutschland. Das sich im Aufbau befindende Modell SWISSland erhebt den Anspruch, die 50 000 Familienbetriebe der gesamten Schweizer Landwirtschaft in ihrer Heterogenität bezüglich Betriebs- und Kostenstrukturen sowie Verhal-tensweisen möglichst realitätsnah abzubilden, mit dem Ziel, die Simulation und Prognose des Strukturwandels zu verbessern. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt methodische Aspekte bei der Bil-dung der Agentenpopulation unter Verwendung verschiedener...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Strukturwandel; Schweizer Landwirtschaft; Multi-Agentenmodell; Agentendefinition; Lineare Optimierung; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Could small dairy farms in Switzerland compete with their French counterparts? A metafrontier analysis during 1990-2004 AgEcon
Ferjani, Ali; Latruffe, Laure.
The objective of the paper is to investigate whether Swiss farms specialised in dairy (the prevailing production of the country), which are small in international standards, would have a survival potential if they had to compete more directly with EU farms. More specifically, we investigate whether Swiss dairy farms would be able to compete with their French counterparts (located in mountainous areas, but larger than Swiss ones) in a future made of increased globalisation and reduced borders. For this we evaluate which country, during the period 1990-2004, would have been more able to use efficiently a common hypothetical technology, and would have had a more productive (own) technology. Efficiency scores and technology ratios are calculated using the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Technical efficiency; Technology gap; Data Envelopment Analysis; Dairy farming; Switzerland; France; Agricultural and Food Policy; Productivity Analysis; Q12; D24.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The Relationship between Direct Payments and Efficiency on Swiss Farms AgEcon
Ferjani, Ali.
Economic theory suggests several possible mechanisms through which direct government farm payments might influence the efficiency and structural change in agriculture. This study estimates identify the main determinants of efficiency, particularly, what effect farm payments have had on efficiency and farm structure by using a farm-level Tobit model for 1990 to 2001. The results suggest that the inclusion of direct payments does not cause a change in returns to scale of the underlying technology. Nevertheless, results find evidence of effects of direct payments on efficiency. Farms that received greater direct payments were less efficient on aggregate than other farms.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Switzerland; Farms; Direct payments; Technical efficiency; DEA.; Production Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Modelling structural change in the agricultural sector – An Agent-based approach using FADN data from individual farms AgEcon
Mohring, Anke; Zimmermann, Albert; Mack, Gabriele; Mann, Stefan; Ferjani, Ali; Gennaio, Maria-Pia.
The development of multi-agent models for agriculture has allowed the inclusion of farm decision-making behaviour and interactions in the simulation of smaller agricultural regions. Important methodological impact for this has come in particular from scientists from Germany. Currently under construction, the SWISSland model claims to depict as realistically as possible the 50,000 family farms comprising the whole of Swiss agriculture in all their heterogeneity as regards farm and cost structures as well as farm decision behaviours, with the aim of improving the simulation and forecasting of structural change. This paper describes methodological aspects in the formation of the agent population by combining various data sources such as accounting and spatial...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Structural change; Swiss agriculture; Multi-agent model; Agent definition; Linear optimization; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Mann, Stefan; Ferjani, Ali; Reissig, Linda; Ayala, Tatiana.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Farm Entry Policy and Its Impact on Structural Change Analysed by and Agent-based Sector Model AgEcon
Mack, Gabriele; Mohring, Anke; Zimmermann, Albert; Gennaio, Maria-Pia; Mann, Stefan; Ferjani, Ali.
The Swiss agent-based model (SWISSland) claims to depict as realistically as possible the 50 000 family farms comprising the whole of Swiss agriculture in all their heterogeneity as regards farm and cost structures as well as farm decision-making behaviour and interactions, with the aim of improving the simulation and forecasting of structural change in agriculture. With the linking of different methods and recorded data, there is a marked increase in the quality of the assessment of policy consequences. Simulations are shown for policy measures which affect only farm entry by cutting socially motivated direct payments for young operators.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agent-based model; Sector model; Farm entry; Structural change; Farm Management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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