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Morfologia e reprodução de Chondria curvilineata F.S. Collins & Hervey (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta), uma adição à flora brasileira Acta Botanica
Böker-Torres,Martha; Horta,Paulo Antunes; Salles,José; Ouriques,Luciane; Fujii,Mutue Toyota; Bouzon,Zenilda.
O trabalho a espécie Chondria curvilineata é escrita pela primeira vez para o litoral brasileiro a. O material foi coletado no sublitoral da Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. É apresentada uma descrição detalhada da morfologia e reprodução, discutindo e comparando as características diagnósticas da referida espécie com as demais espécies descritas para o Brasil e para outras partes do mundo.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chondria; Lagoa da Conceição; Macroalgas; Santa Catarina; Taxonomia.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Diversity and distribution Patterns of the infralittoral green macroalgae from Potiguar basin, Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil Acta Botanica
Cocentino,Adilma de Lourdes Montenegro; Fujii,Mutue Toyota; Reis,Thiago Nogueira de Vasconcelos; Guimarães-Barros,Nathalia Cristina; Rocha,Marcia de França; Neumann-Leitão,Sigrid.
Diversity and distribution pattern of the infralittoral green macroalgae at Potiguar basin, Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil were analyzed from material collected at depths varying from 2 to 100 m. Collections were carried out with two types of dredges during four campaigns: July 2002, May and November 2003 and May 2004 at 43 stations. Chlorophyta is represented by 54 species, five varieties and three forms. The most representative family is Caulerpaceae, and the most diverse genus is Caulerpa, with 11 species. The results showed that most taxa (89%) are rare, and 10% are present at low frequencies. The most frequent species was Caulerpaprolifera (Forssk.) J.V. Lamour. occurring at almost all coastal and inner shelf stations, recorded in all...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Distribution patterns; Green macroalgae; Infralittoral; Tropical region; Brazil.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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The Genus Herposiphonia (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) in the Coral Reefs Environmental Protection Area, Northeastern Brazil, with new records for Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean Rev. Bras. Bot.
Silva,Ingrid Balesteros; Fujii,Mutue Toyota.
This paper presents a taxonomic study of taxa of the red algae genus Herposiphonia (Ceramiales) occurring on Maracajaú Reef in the Coral Reefs Environmental Protection Area (CREPA - Área de Proteção Ambiental dos Recifes de Corais) in Rio Grande do Norte State, along the northeastern coast of Brazil. The CREPA comprises coastline and continental shelf areas of the municipalities of Touros, Rio do Fogo, and Maxaranguape and includes sand dunes, coastal lagoons, and the adjacent shoreline and offshore reefs. Detailed morphological studies were made, considering recent taxonomic criteria for species delimitation of Herposiphonia, and five species were identified: H. delicatula, H. nuda, H. parca, H. secunda, and H. tenella, thus increasing the number of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Maracajaú Reef; Macroalgae; Morphology; Rio Grande do Norte; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Distribution of epiphytic macroalgae on the thalli of their hosts in Cuba Acta Botanica
Diez García,Yander Luis; Jover Capote,Abdiel; Suárez Alfonso,Ana María; Gómez Luna,Liliana María; Fujii,Mutue Toyota.
We investigated the distribution of epiphytic macroalgae on the thalli of their hosts at eight localities along the southeastern coast of Cuba between June 2010 and March 2011. We divided he epiphytes in two groups according to their distribution on the host: those at the base of the thallus and those on its surface. We determining the dissimilarity between the zones and the species involved. We identified 102 taxa of epiphytic macroalgae. There were significant differences between the two zones. In 31 hosts, the number of epiphytes was higher on the surface of the thallus, whereas the number of epiphytes was higher at the thallus base in 25 hosts, and the epiphytes were equally distributed between the two zones in five hosts (R=−0.001, p=0.398). The mean...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chlorophyta; Epiphytism; Distribution; Phaeophyceae; Rhodophyta.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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