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The Alderney Race: General hydrodynamic and particular features 5
Bailly Du Bois, P; Dumas, Franck; Morillon, M; Furgerot, L; Voiseux, C; Poizot, E; Mear, Y; Bennis, Anne-claire.
This study presents an overview of the main hydrodynamic features of the Alderney Race strait based on in-situ measurements and 2D hydrodynamic model simulations. The strait encompasses a large amplitude of tidal properties (tidal range and tidal wave propagation) and particularly strong currents exceeding 5 m.s-1 with associated counter currents and gyres. Variations in depth, sea bottom roughness, coastal topography and current orientation around the La Hague Cape provide access to a large variety of original hydrodynamic regimes. Some are revealed as locations with a 0.4 m drop in the mean sea level associated with strong average currents. A resonance effect associated with the offshore currents can also be observed close to the coasts. The "St Martin...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alderney Race; La Hague Cape; Current; Tide; Hydrodynamics; Model.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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