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Action-orientated research and framework: insights from the French long-term social-ecological research network ArchiMer
Bretagnolle, Vincent; Benoit, Marc; Bonnefond, Mathieu; Breton, Vincent; Church, Jon M.; Gaba, Sabrina; Gilbert, Daniel; Gillet, François; Glatron, Sandrine; Guerbois, Chloé; Lamouroux, Nicolas; Lebouvier, Marc; Mazé, Camille; Mouchel, Jean-marie; Ouin, Annie; Pays, Olivier; Piscart, Christophe; Ragueneau, Olivier; Servain, Sylvie; Spiegelberger, Thomas; Fritz, Hervé.
Many social-ecological system(SES)-based approaches have been proposed to address environmental problems. Most social-ecological frameworks developed to date, however, lack clear operational linkages between humans and nature to efficiently guide SESs toward resilience. A conceptual framework designed to be operational is therefore necessary, as well as a network of research platforms with which to apply it. We defined explicit coupling processes that can be used as leverages to pilot an SES toward sustainability. We proposed to formalize an SES as a dynamic entity composed of two coupling interfaces, i.e., adaptive management and ecosystem services, both set within a landscape context to provide an actionable framework. These interfaces describe the way...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adaptive governance; Ecosystem services; Landscape; LTER; Management; Practices; Research infrastructure; Social-ecological systems; Sustainability.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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What makes a weed a weed? A large- scale evaluation of arable weeds through a functional lens Organic Eprints
Bourgeois, Bérenger; Munoz, Francois; Fried, Guillaume; Mahaut, Lucie; Armengot, Laura; Denelle, Pierre; Storkey, Jonathan; Gaba, Sabrina; Violle, Cyrille.
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Despite long-term research efforts, a comprehensive perspective on the ecological and functional properties determining plant weediness is still lacking. We investigated here key functional attributes of arable weeds compared to non-weed plants, at large spatial scale. METHODS: We used an intensive survey of plant communities in cultivated and non-cultivated habitats to define a pool of plants occurring in arable fields (weeds) and one of plants occurring only in open non-arable habitats (non-weeds) in France. We compared the two pools based on nine functional traits and three functional spaces (LHS, reproductive and resource requirement hypervolumes). Within the weed pool, we quantified the trait variation of weeds along a...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Weed management.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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