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Evaluating ecosystem-level anthropogenic impacts in a stressed transitional environment: The case of the Seine estuary 5
Tecchio, Samuele; Chaalali, Aurelie; Raoux, Aurore; Rius, Armonie Tous; Lequesne, Justine; Girardin, Valerie; Lassalle, Geraldine; Cachera, Marie; Riou, Philippe; Lobry, Jeremy; Dauvin, Jean-claude; Niquil, Nathalie.
During 2002–2005, a new container terminal in the commercial harbour of Le Havre, named “Port2000”, was built on the northern flank of the Seine estuary, northern France. This extension is already known to have modified the estuary current and sediment dynamics, as well as reducing biomass of the suprabenthos assemblage, for the whole downstream part of the system. However, studies on other biotic communities were largely inconclusive, and an ecosystem-wide analysis was still lacking. Here, we performed a before/after study of ecosystem dynamics of the different habitats of the Seine estuary, using a Linear Inverse Modelling technique (LIM-MCMC) to estimate all flows occurring in the food web. Ecological Network Analysis indices were calculated,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Linear inverse model; Estuarine ecosystem; Seine estuary; English Channel.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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