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OceanDocs IOC Repository Network for Marine Science Policy Document OceanDocs
Goovaerts, M.; Simpson, P..
The OceanDocs Network has been created to provide a multi institutional distributed network of OceanDocs Central and institutional, regional and national repositories to provide a unique access point to marine science publications and research. Until 2011, its’ development had been loosely guided by cooperation between IODE, University of Hasselt, Belgium, and regional Oceanographic Data and Information Networks (ODIN). The first session of the OceanDocs Steering Group, January 2012 agreed a formalized structure and policy document.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Aquatic sciences; Oceanography; Aquatic sciences; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Red de repositorios en Ciencias Marinas de la COI. Documento de políticas OceanDocs
Simpson, P.; Goovaerts, M..
The OceanDocs Network has been created to provide a multi institutional distributed network of OceanDocs Central and institutional, regional and national repositories to provide a unique access point to marine science publications and research. Until 2011, its’ development had been loosely guided by cooperation between IODE, University of Hasselt, Belgium, and regional Oceanographic Data and Information Networks (ODIN). The first session of the OceanDocs Steering Group, January 2012 agreed a formalized structure and policy document.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Documents; Policies; Information management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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