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Advancing Marine Biological Observations and Data Requirements of the Complementary Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) and Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) Frameworks 5
Muller-karger, Frank E.; Miloslavich, Patricia; Bax, Nicholas J.; Simmons, Samantha; Costello, Mark J.; Pinto, Isabel Sousa; Canonico, Gabrielle; Turner, Woody; Gill, Michael; Montes, Enrique; Best, Benjamin D.; Pearlman, Jay; Halpin, Patrick; Dunn, Daniel; Benson, Abigail; Martin, Corinne S.; Weatherdon, Lauren V.; Appeltans, Ward; Provoost, Pieter; Klein, Eduardo; Kelble, Christopher R.; Miller, Robert J.; Chavez, Francisco P.; Iken, Katrin; Chiba, Sanae; Obura, David; Navarro, Laetitia M.; Pereira, Henrique M.; Allain, Valerie; Batten, Sonia; Benedetti-checchi, Lisandro; Duffy, J. Emmett; Kudela, Raphael M.; Rebelo, Lisa-maria; Shin, Yunne-jai; Geller, Gary.
Measurements of the status and trends of key indicators for the ocean and marine life are required to inform policy and management in the context of growing human uses of marine resources, coastal development, and climate change. Two synergistic efforts identify specific priority variables for monitoring: Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) through the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), and Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) from the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) (see Data Sheet 1 in Supplementary Materials for a glossary of acronyms). Both systems support reporting against internationally agreed conventions and treaties. GOOS, established under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Essential ocean variables (EOV); Essential biodiversity variables (EBV); Marine biodiversity observation network (MBON); Global ocean observing system(GOOS); Ocean biogeographic information system(OBIS); Marine global earth observatory (MarineGEO); Integrated marine biosphere research (IMBeR).
Ano: 2018 URL:
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