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Results from the First Phase of the Seafloor Backscatter Processing Software Inter-Comparison Project ArchiMer
Malik, Mashkoor; Schimel, Alexandre C. G.; Masetti, Giuseppe; Roche, Marc; Le Deunf, Julian; Dolan, Margaret F.j.; Beaudoin, Jonathan; Augustin, Jean-marie; Hamilton, Travis; Parnum, Iain.
Seafloor backscatter mosaics are now routinely produced from multibeam echosounder data and used in a wide range of marine applications. However, large differences (>5 dB) can often be observed between the mosaics produced by different software packages processing the same dataset. Without transparency of the processing pipeline and the lack of consistency between software packages raises concerns about the validity of the final results. To recognize the source(s) of inconsistency between software, it is necessary to understand at which stage(s) of the data processing chain the differences become substantial. To this end, willing commercial and academic software developers were invited to generate intermediate processed backscatter results from a common...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustic backscatter processing; Multibeam Echo Sounders; Seafloor mapping.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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