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Is there a Nascent Plate Boundary in the Northern Indian Ocean? ArchiMer
Coudurier‐curveur, A.; Karakaş, Ç.; Singh, S.; Tapponnier, P.; Carton, H.; Hananto, N..
The northern Indian Ocean has been widely recognized as an area of broadly distributed deformation within the composite India‐Australia‐Capricorn plate, hosting several diffuse boundary zones and a diffuse triple junction. The occurrence, along reactivated fracture zones, of the exceptionally large (Mw=8.6 and Mw=8.2) 2012 Wharton Basin strike‐slip earthquakes, however, questions whether this composite plate is breaking apart along a discrete boundary. Using recent bathymetric and seismic data, we analyze the most prominent fracture zone (F6a), whose structural trace is particularly well‐expressed. We identify sixty kilometric‐scale pull‐apart basins with geometric properties (length/width ratios) similar to those observed along continental strike‐slip...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wharton Basin; Reactivated fracture zones; Nascent plate boundary; Pull-apart basins; Intraplate deformation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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