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Evaluation of the Chloride Requirement of the Broiler Breeder Hen 89
Harl,JC; Harms,RH; Wilson,HR; Russel,GB.
Two experiments wore conducted to evaluate the chloride requirement of the broiler breeder hen. Experiments were conducted for a twelve-week period and seven experimental diets wore fed. The diets contained the following dietary chloride levels: 0. 040, 0. 047, 0. 054, 0.060, 0.073, 0.09g, and 0. 174%. Sodiam bicarbonate was used to maintain a constant level of sodium. Levels of dietary chloride below 0.054% reduced EF; EW, & EC (ED X (EW-shell wt). Also, the highest level of dietary chloride reduced all characteristics. Dietary chloride did not have a significant effect on body weight gain or fertility and hatchability of eggs. The Nationa/ Research Council (1994) suggests that the broller breeder hen have daily chloride intake of 185 milligrams...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broiler breeder; Chloride; Egg production; Egg weight; Hatchability.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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